
Vpliv hrupa na varnost in kakovost izvajanja zdravstvenih storitev v operacijski dvorani : diplomsko delo
ID Nastran, Ana (Author), ID Pajnič, Manca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trotovšek, Blaž (Comentor), ID Ravljen, Mirjam (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Hrup je zvok, ki ga zaznamo kot nezaželenega, motečega ali zoprnega. Hrup zmanjša slušno možnost, s tem pa poveča tveganje za napake v sporazumevanju. Te lahko privedejo do varnostnih odklonov, ki ogrozijo tako pacienta kot osebje. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako vpliva hrup na varnost in kakovost izvajanja zdravstvenih storitev v operacijskih dvoranah ter, kako zmanjšamo hrup v operacijskih dvoranah. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno raziskovalno metodo dela, s pregledom izbrane strokovne in znanstvene slovenske in angleške literature. Literaturo smo iskali preko digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKUL) in sicer podatkovne baze PubMed, Medline ter Scopus. Uporabili smo tudi Google Učenjak ter iskanje s pomočjo referenčnih seznamov. Starost iskane literature ni presegala dvajset let, vključno z letom 2001. Vključili smo literaturo, kjer je članek v celoti dostopen in se navezuje na izbrano temo. Izvedli smo tudi ročni pregled Zbornikov sekcije operacijskih medicinskih sester od leta 2013 dalje. Rezultati: Hrup najdemo v vsaki operacijski dvorani in se mu ne moremo popolnoma izogniti. Poleg kratkotrajnih učinkov, kot so razdražljivost in vznemirjenost, lahko dolgotrajna izpostavljenost hrupu privede do poslabšanja slušne funkcije, nezadovoljstva v službi, kardiovaskularnih problemov, anksioznosti in depresije. Hrup zmanjša zbranost in poslabša sporazumevanje, kar vodi do varnostnih odklonov. Hrup dojemamo subjektivno, kar moramo upoštevati pri delu, kjer se je hrupu nemogoče izogniti. Hrup lahko zmanjšamo tako s spremembami v človeškem vedenju, kot s tehnološkimi ukrepi. Pomembno je, da osebje izobražujemo o negativnih posledicah hrupa in s tem povečamo splošno zavedanje o pomenu preprečevanja njegovega nastanka. Samo sodelovanje vseh prisotnih v operacijski dvorani lahko prispeva k njegovem zmanjšanju. Razprava in zaključek: Zvok, ki ga dojemamo kot hrup, ima negativen vpliv. S preprečevanjem hrupa ohranjamo zdravo delovno okolje. Zaradi pomanjkanja literature na tem področju bi bilo potrebno izvesti dodatne raziskave.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, zvok, varnostni odkloni, sporazumevanje, človeški faktor, tehnologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Nastran]
Number of pages:22 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129587 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75255043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of noise on safety and quality of performing healthcare services in the operating room : diploma work
Introduction: Noise is a sound that we perceive as unwanted, disturbing, or annoying. Noise reduces hearing ability, thereby increasing the potential for communication errors. These can lead to safety deviations that endanger both the patient and staff. Purpose: We wanted to find out how noise affects the safety and quality of medical services in operating theatres and how to reduce noise in operating theatres. Methods: In this study we used a descriptive research method of work, with a review of selected professional and scientific Slovenian and English literature. We searched for literature through the digital library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL), namely PubMed, Medline and Scopus databases. We also used Google Scholar and the reference list search. The age of the searched literature did not exceed twenty years including the year 2001. We included literature where the article is fully accessible and related to the chosen topic. We also performed a manual review of the Proceedings of the Section of Operating Nurses from 2013 onwards. Results: Noise is present in every operating theatre and cannot be completely avoided. In addition to short-term effects such as irritability and agitation, prolonged exposure to noise can lead to impaired hearing function, job dissatisfaction, cardiovascular problems, anxiety, and depression. Noise reduces concentration and impairs communication, leading to safety deviations. We perceive noise subjectively, which we must take into account when working where noise is impossible to avoid. Noise can be reduced both through changes in human behavior and through technological interventions. It is important that we train staff to be more aware of the consequences of noise and therefore contribute to its reduction. Discussion and conclusion: The sound we perceive as noise has a negative impact. We preserve a healthy work environment by preventing noise. Further studies need to be conducted on this topic.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, sound, safety deviations, communication, human factor, technology

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