
Učinkovitost manualne terapije pri osebah s tenzijskim glavobolom – pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Rexhepi, Leonora (Author), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Tenzijski glavobol sodi med najpogostejše primarne glavobole z visokim socio-ekonomskim vplivom na posameznika in družbo. Pri posamezniku povzroči bolečino in nastanek mišično-kostnih okvar, s katerimi vpliva na njegovo psiho-socialno in delovno okolje ter kakovost življenja. Manualna terapija je v kliničnem okolju pogosto uporabljen postopek za zmanjševanje simptomov in okvar, povezanih s tenzijskim glavobolom. Namen: Na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti učinke manualne terapije na bolečino, občutljivost na pritisk, obseg giba, funkcijsko in čustveno zmožnost posameznika, kakovost dela ter pridružena psihiatrična stanja pri posameznikih s tenzijskim glavobolom. Metode dela: Literaturo objavljeno med leti 2011 in 2021 smo iskali v podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed, PEDro in ScienceDirect s ključnimi besedami v angleškem jeziku: tension-type headache, manual therapy, tension headache, manual therapy effects. Za izbiro metodološko kakovostnih raziskav smo iz podatkovne zbirke PEDro povzeli ocene, ki so bile raziskavam določene po PEDro lestvici. Rezultati: V analizo smo vključili osem člankov, ki so bili prosto dostopni v polnem besedilu. Uporaba manualne terapije je učinkovito zmanjšala frekvenco in intenziteto bolečine. Največje izboljšanje so dosegli v skupinah, pri katerih so uporabili manipulacijske tehnike posamično ali v kombinaciji z drugimi postopki. Zmanjšanje bolečine so dosegli tudi z uporabo tehnik nevromobilizacije, mobilizacije mehkega tkiva in miofascialnega sproščanja. Prišlo je tudi do povečanja bolečinskega praga na pritisk, vendar so rezultati glede trajanja učinka različni. Uporaba tehnik sklepne manipulacije ali mobilizacije in obravnave mehkega tkiva je prispevala k izboljšanju gibljivosti vratne hrbtenice. Postopki manualne terapije so povečali funkcijsko in čustveno zmožnost posameznika in zmanjšali psihosocialne simptome ter s tem izboljšali kakovost življenja. Razprava in zaključek: V analiziranih raziskavah so avtorji poročali o učinkovitosti manualne terapije na zmanjšanje bolečine, povečanje obsega giba v vratni hrbtenici in praga bolečine, izboljšanje zmožnosti posameznika in psihosocialnih simptomov ter kakovost dela. Najučinkovitejša je kombinacija različnih tehnik manualne terapije. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave z večjim številom preiskovancev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, manualne tehnike, učinkovitost, bolečina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Rexhepi]
Number of pages:32 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129585 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75242243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The efficiency of manual therapy in people with tension-type headache – literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Tension-type headache is one of the most common primary headaches with a high socioeconomic impact on both individuals and society. It causes pain and the development of musculoskeletal disorders that affect the social or occupational environment and the quality of life of the individual. Manual therapy is a commonly used method in clinical settings to reduce the symptoms and impairments associated with tension-type headache. Purpose: The aim of the diploma work was to present the effects of manual therapy on pain, pressure pain threshold, range of motion, functional and emotional disability, and quality of life of the individual with tension-type headache. Methods: English-language literature published between 2011 and 2021 was searched in PubMed, PEDro, and ScienceDirect databases. The search was conducted with key words: tension-type headache, manual therapy, tension headache, manual therapy effects. To select methodologically qualitative research, we summarized how the chosen studies were graded on the PEDro scale. Results: We included eight studies in the analysis. The studies were freely available in full text. The use of manual therapy effectively reduced frequency and pain. The greatest improvements were seen in groups that used manipulative techniques alone or in combination with other techniques. Reduction of pain was also achieved with neuro-mobilization techniques, soft tissue mobilization, and myofascial release. Pressure pain threshold also improved but results regarding the duration of the effect were not consistent. The use of joint manipulation or mobilization and soft tissue techniques improved the range of motion of the cervical spine. Manual therapy techniques had a positive effect on functional and emotional disability, quality of work life, and reduced negative psychosocial symptoms. Discussion and Conclusion: In the studies analysed, the authors reported the effectiveness of manual therapy in reducing pain, increasing cervical spine range of motion, and pressure pain threshold. It also has positive effects on individual disability, psychosocial symptoms, and quality of work life. The most effective approach is a combination of different manual techniques. Further studies with a larger number of subjects are needed to determine the true effects.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, manual therapy, efficiency, pain

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