
Grafična zasnova vsebin primernih za barvno slepe
ID Vodopivec, Natalija (Author), ID Urbas, Raša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Golmajer, Peter (Comentor)

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil spoznati barvno slepoto in preučiti ter izdelati ustrezne grafične vsebine, ki bi bile ustrezne osebam z barvno slepoto, uporabne pa tudi za normalno videče. V namen izdelave ustreznih prilagoditev izbranih grafičnih vsebin – avtobusna shema, jedilni list in tri vrste grafikonov – so bile v teoretičnem delu preučene lastnosti človeškega vida in barvne slepote, hkrati pa so bili preučeni tudi različni testi, namenjeni določanju različnih vrst barvne slepote. Da bi lažje razumeli s kakšnimi težavami se soočajo ljudje z barvno slepoto, je bila izvedena spletna anketa s pomočjo katere se je ugotavljalo, kaj ljudi z motnjami barvnega vida najbolj moti pri grafičnih vsebinah. Pridobljeno znanje teoretičnega pregleda je v eksperimentalnem delu omogočilo izdelavo prilagojenih preoblikovanih izbranih grafičnih vsebin. Namreč, v raziskavi diplomskega dela se je na več načinov preoblikovala avtobusna shema, jedilni list in tri vrste grafikonov: tortni diagram, naložen stolpčni in črtni diagram. Pri avtobusni shemi se je spreminjal prikaz linij avtobusa in legendo, hkrati pa tudi barvo, pri čemer se je kot ena možnih različic izdelala tudi črno-bela možnost. Pri jedilnem listu se je preoblikovala naslovnica jedilnega lista, glavo pri vsakem sklopu jedi in legendo ter prikaz alergenov v celotnem jedilnem listu. Preoblikoval se je tudi prikaz treh vrst grafikonov, spremenilo in povečalo se je legendo, obliko polnila posameznih delov, oblike črt ipd. S pomočjo druge ankete se je ocenila ustreznost preoblikovanja omenjenih grafičnih vsebin. Pri grafični zasnovi so se upoštevala pravila grafičnega oblikovanja in estetike, hkrati pa so se upoštevale težave oseb z barvno slepoto.

Keywords:avtobusna shema, barvna slepota, grafična zasnova, grafikoni, jedilni list, preoblikovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129554 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2021
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Title:Graphic design of content suitable for color-blind people
The goal of the thesis was to learn about colorblindness and to study and create appropriate graphic content that would be suitable for colorblind people, but also useful for people with normal vision. In order to make appropriate adaptation of selected graphical content – bus scheme, menu and three types of diagrams, the theoretical part examined the characteristics of human vision and color blindness, as well as various tests used to determine different types of color blindness. To better understand what problems people with colorblindness face, an online survey was conducted to find out what people with color vision problems find most disturbing about graphic content. In the experimental part, the knowledge gained from the theoretical overview enabled the creation of adapted, redesigned selected graphic content. Namely, in the thesis, the bus scheme, the menu and three types of diagrams – a pie chart, a stacked bar and a line chart – were redesigned in different ways. In the bus scheme, the presentation of the bus lines and legend changed, as did the color scheme, with the black and white variant omitted as one of the possible variants. The menu cover sheet menu, the headings of each food group and the list of allergens were redesigned. The presentation of the three types of charts was also redesigned, with the legends changed and enlarged, and the shape of the filling of each part of the chart, their line shapes, etc. were also redesigned. The second survey was conducted to evaluate the suitability of the redesigned mentioned graphical content. When creating for people with color blindness, the rules of appropriate graphic design and esthetics were taken into account.

Keywords:bus scheme, color blindness, diagram, graphic design, menu, redesigning

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