
Analiza učiteljevih obravnav računanja do 100
ID Peterlin Sitar, Saša (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6881/ This link opens in a new window

V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo obravnavo razvoja pojma število oziroma štetja pri učencih in učenju naravnih števil in števila 0. Osredotočimo se tudi na učence z učnimi težavami pri matematiki, predstavljamo različne učne strategije in pomoči pri učenju. Predstavljamo izhodišča učnih pristopov za vpeljavo števil, vpeljavo računskih operacij seštevanja in odštevanja ter predstavimo vlogo raznovrstnih reprezentacij – konkretne, grafične in simbolne. Teoretični del je izhodišče za obravnavo učiteljevega pristopa k poučevanju računanja do 100 v drugem razredu osnovne šole, hkrati pa predstavimo tudi vse predhodne korake – računanje do 10 in 20. Prikažemo postopke in učne pristope računanja v obsegu do 100 brez prehoda in s prehodom. Osredotočimo se na pomen zgoraj omenjenih reprezentacij, ki so ključne pri usvajanju matematičnih pojmov. Na kratko predstavimo tudi učni načrt za matematiko v osnovi šoli, ga pojasnimo in omenimo temeljna didaktična sredstva v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. V empiričnem delu raziskujemo in ugotavljamo, katere strategije in reprezentacije za pouk aritmetike v drugem razredu osnovne šole uporabljajo učitelji in na kakšen način jih vpeljujejo v razred. Raziskujemo, kakšne metode in oblike dela učitelji drugega razreda osnovne šole najpogosteje uporabljajo, kako pouk prilagajajo učencem z učnimi težavami in kakšen vpliv na poučevanje matematike ima dolžina delovne dobe učitelja. Predstavljamo ugotovitve, kako učitelji drugega razreda osnovne šole pristopajo in obravnavajo seštevanje in odštevanje do 100 ter kako učence postopno in hkrati tudi trajnostno pripeljejo do izpeljanega priklica dejstev, ki je najhitrejši in najučinkovitejši način računanja.

Keywords:razredni učitelji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129524 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75070467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of teachers' numeracy teaching up to 100
In the theoretical part, we discuss the development of numbers and the counting system and how students learn natural numbers and zero. We also focus on students with learning difficulties in mathematics and present various learning strategies and aids. We provide the starting points for approaches to teaching numbers and the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction. Furthermore, we describe the role of various mathematical representations such as concrete, graphical and symbolic representations. The theoretical part serves as a basis for the discussion of teacher approaches to teaching addition and subtraction up to 100 in year 2 of primary schools. Previous steps such as addition and subtraction up to 10 and 20 are presented at the same time. We describe multiple methods and approaches to teaching and learning addition and subtraction up to 100, both with and without carrying. In particular, we focus on the importance of mathematical representations, which are crucial for the acquisition of mathematical concepts. Additionally, we refer to and describe the basic school mathematics curriculum, as well as touch upon some basic educational tools used in the first educational cycle. In the empirical part, we discuss the strategies and mathematical representations teachers use to teach arithmetic in year 2 of primary schools and how they are implemented into the classroom. We examine the teaching methods and interactive patterns most commonly used by year 2 primary school teachers, the ways of adapting lessons for students with learning difficulties, and the effect of the length of teaching experience on teaching mathematics. We present findings on how year 2 primary school teachers approach and teach addition and subtraction up to 100 and how they gradually and effectively introduce students to derived fact strategies, which are the fastest and most efficient methods of addition and subtraction.

Keywords:primary school teachers

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