
Etični vidiki zdravstvene nege bolnikov z rakom : diplomsko delo
ID Korošec, Ana (Author), ID Ovijač, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bobnar, Albina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Medicinske sestre so pri zdravstveni negi bolnika z rakom vpete v njegove etične in moralne pomisleke o življenju in smrti oziroma vsakodnevne aktivnosti. Oskrba bolnikov z rakom je kompleksna in zahteva multidisciplinarno obravnavo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti področja onkološke zdravstvene nege, ki so najbolj izpostavljena etičnim izzivom ter z etičnega vidika opredeliti vlogo medicinskih sester v onkologiji. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s sistematičnim pregledom strokovne in znanstvene domače ter tuje literature. Osredotočili smo se na štiri z etiko povezana področja onkološke zdravstvene nege: komunikacija, avtonomija, dostojanstvo in bolečina. Časovni okvir je zajemal literaturo od leta 2010 do 2021 iskane preko oddaljenega dostopa v podatkovnih bazah Medline in Science Direct ter v spletnem portalu Google učenjak. V končno analizo smo vključili 16 člankov. Rezultati: Komunikacija z bolnikom z rakom pogosto zajema sporočanje slabih novic, kar medicinskim sestram povzroča nelagodje. Pogosti vzroki za neustrezno podajanje informacij bolniku z rakom so pomanjkanje komunikacijskih veščin, časa in znanja medicinskih sester. Medicinske sestre so etično naravnave k zagovarjanju bolnikovih interesov in vključitvi bolnika kot aktivnega udeleženca lastnega zdravljenja. Psihične in fizične težave bolnikov z napredovanjem bolezni pogosto zmanjšajo njihovo zadovoljstvo z življenjem, kar lahko bolniki občutijo kot izgubo dostojanstva. Pomemben element psihosocialne podpore bolnika z rakom je družina. Družinski člani so sicer pogosto manj naklonjeni popolni informiranosti bolnika o njegovem zdravstvenemu stanju, času preživetja in prognozi bolezni z namenom, da ga zaščitijo pred stresom. Obravnava bolečine je zaradi pomanjkljivega znanja medicinskih sester o protibolečinski terapiji in njeni učinkovitosti pogosto nezadovoljiva. Etični konflikti, ki se pojavijo med oskrbo bolnikov z rakom, lahko medicinskim sestram povzročajo čustveno izgorelost in nezadovoljstvo pri delu. Razprava in zaključek: Izboljšanje veščin empatične komunikacije in izobraževanje s področja obravnave bolečine bi pripomogla k izboljšanju oskrbe bolnikov z rakom. Fizične in psihosocialne stiske bolnikov z rakom vplivajo na njihovo dostojanstvo in avtonomnost, zato je pomembno, da medicinske sestre zagovarjajo njihove pravice ter ohranjajo integriteto vsakega posameznika. Zmanjšanje čustvene preobremenjenosti onkoloških medicinskih sester bi lahko zmanjšali s samorefleksijo in supervizijo etičnih dilem znotraj zdravstvenega tima. Celostna oskrba bolnika z rakom zajema tudi obravnavo psihičnih in duhovnih potreb, med katere spada tudi družinsko sodelovanje za lažje spopadanje bolnika s hudo boleznijo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, medicinske sestre, komunikacija, avtonomija, dostojanstvo, lajšanje bolečine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Korošec]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129491 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74921219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Ethical aspects of nursing patients with cancer : diploma work
Introduction: Nurses are exposed to difficult decisions and ethical conflicts in the nursing care of an oncology patient. The care of oncology patients is complex and requires multidisciplinary treatment at all levels of health care. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the areas of oncology nursing that are most exposed to ethical challenges and to define the role of nurses in oncology from an ethical point of view. Methods: A descriptive method of work with a systematic review of professional and scientific domestic and foreign literature was used. We focused on four selected areas of oncology nursing related to ethics: communication, autonomy, dignity, and pain. The time frame covered literature from 2010 to 2021. Literature with free access was searched in databases Medline and Science Direct and in the Google Scholar web portal. In the final analysis 16 articles were included. Results: Communication with an oncology patient often involves reporting bad news, which makes nurses uncomfortable. Lack of communication skills, time and knowledge are common causes of inadequate delivery of information to an oncology patient. The ethical concern of the nurse is to defend the patient's interests and to include the patient as an active participant in their own treatment. The mental and physical problems of patients as the disease progresses reduce their satisfaction with life, which patients may perceive as a loss of dignity. The role of the family is an indispensable element of psychosocial support for a cancer patient. Family members are often less inclined to fully inform the patient about his health condition, survival time and prognosis in order to protect him from psychosocial stress. The treatment of pain is often unsatisfactory due to the lack of knowledge of nurses about pain therapy and its effectiveness. Ethical conflicts that arise during the care of oncology patients can cause nurses emotional burnout and dissatisfaction at work. Discussion and conclusion: Improving empathic communication and skills of pain management would help to improve care of cancer patients. The physical and psychosocial hardships of cancer patients affect their dignity and autonomy, so it is important that nurses defend their rights and maintain the integrity of each individual. Self-reflection and supervision of ethical dilemmas within the medical team could help reduce the emotional overload of oncology nurses. Comprehensive care for an oncology patient also includes the treatment of psychological and spiritual needs, including family cooperation to help the patient cope with a serious illness.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, nurses, communication, autonomy, dignity, pain relief

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