
Vzdrževanje in rekonstrukcija prečnih objektov na primeru Kamniške Bistrice : magistrsko delo
ID Plestenjak, Anamarija (Author), ID Rusjan, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sodnik, Jošt (Comentor)

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Slovenija velja za eno izmed bolj vodnatih držav v Evropi. Zaradi svoje lege je večinoma rek in potokov hudourniške narave, kar pomeni, da je tvorba in koncentriranje padavinskega odtoka hitro. Ob obilnejših padavinah nastanejo močni površinski tokovi, ki pri velikih padcih tvorijo mogočne in tudi rušilne pretoke, ki ogrožajo ne samo lastnino, ampak tudi življenja. Z različnimi posegi v vodno telo zmanjšamo vzdolžni naklon struge, kot tudi zagotavljamo boljšo pretočnost struge, varnost ljudem, preprečujemo poplavljanje brežin, varujemo okolje in naravo. Ti posegi so lahko izvedeni v sami strugi vodotoka ali pa v njenem priobalnem pasu. Med posege, izvedene v sami strugi vodotoka, pogosto spadajo tudi prečni objekti. Prečni hidromorfološki elementi kot so npr. drče in brzice pa se v okolju pojavljajo tudi kot posledica naravne dinamike hidravličnih in erozijskih razmer. Njihova prisotnost v vodnem okolju je tako nekaj povsem običajnega. V magistrski nalogi smo se posvetili prečnim objektom, predvsem pa presoji potencialnega vpliva njihove odstranitve na hidravlične razmere v strugah vodotokov. V prvem delu smo predstavili osnovne značilnosti prečnih objektov, njihove lastnosti, na kaj moramo biti pozorni pri njihovem umeščanju in omejitve. Prav tako so predstavljene enačbe za projektiranje prečnih objektov v strugi vodotoka. V drugem delu smo na konkretnem prečnem objektu (drči) na Kamniški Bistrici predpostavili različne scenarije preoblikovanja struge po odstranitvi objekta. Ugotavljali smo, na kakšen način se spreminjajo hidravlične razmere v strugi, pri čemer je bil poudarek na poteku gladin, hitrostih in strižnih napetostih na posameznem odseku. Zavedati se je treba, da odstranitev prečnega objekta v strugi vodotoka pogosto lahko povzroči kompleksne spremembe hidravličnih razmer v strugah vodotokov. Vsak vodotok je unikaten na svoj način, zato je potrebno za vsak primer posebej preučiti način preoblikovanja struge. Na konkretnem primeru odstranitve drče na Kamniški Bistrici smo predpostavili pet različnih scenarijev preoblikovanja struge. Rezultati med seboj so si bili podobni, vendar pa so bila med njimi tudi bistvena odstopanja. Pri tem je potrebno dodobra poznati hidravlične lastnosti vodnega toka ter hidromorfološke karakteristike vodnega okolja za določitev potencialno najslabšega scenarija preoblikovanja struge.

Keywords:odstranitev prečnih objektov iz vodotoka, prečni objekti, vzdrževanje in rekonstrukcija prečnih objektov, Kamniška Bistrica, značilnosti prečnih objektov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Plestenjak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129488 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77010179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Maintenance and reconstruction of weirs on the case of Kamniška Bistrica : master thesis
Slovenia is considered as one of the most water-abundant countries in Europe. Due to its location, most rivers and streams have steep watercourses, which means that there is a rapid formation and concentration of rainfall runoff. During heavy rains, strong surface currents are formed, which on steep terrain form powerful and destructive flows which may endanger property and lives. Through various interventions in the water bodies, we reduce the longitudinal slope of the watercourse as well as ensure better hydraulic conditions, improve safety for people, prevent bank flooding and protect the environment and nature. These interventions can be carried out in the watercourse itself, or in its surrounding riparian areas. Interventions carried out in the watercourse often include construction of weirs. Rapids and chutes also occur in the environment as a result of the natural dynamics of hydraulic and erosion conditions. Their presence in the aquatic environment is thus something quite common. In the master's thesis, we focused on weirs, especially the impact of their removal on the hydraulic conditions in the watercourse. In the first part, we presented the basic characteristics of weirs, their properties, what factors we need to consider when placing them in an environment and potential limitations. Equations for the design of weirs in the watercourse are also presented. In the second part, we analysed different scenarios of riverbed transformation after the removal of an existing weir (a chute) in the Kamniška Bistrica river. We analysed how the hydraulic conditions in the riverbed change, with an emphasis on the water levels, velocities and shear stresses along the studied section. It should be noted that the removal of a weir in a watercourse can often lead to complex changes in the in-stream channel hydraulic conditions. Each watercourse is unique, so it is necessary to study the method of riverbed transformation on a case-by-case basis. In the practical example of the removal of the chute in Kamniška Bistrica, we assumed five different scenarios for the transformation of the riverbed. Overall, the results were similar, but there were also significant differences between the resulting hydraulic condition. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the hydraulic characteristics and hydromorphology of the aquatic environment to determine the potential worst-case scenario of watercourse channel hydromorphology transformation.

Keywords:weir removal, maintenance and reconstruction of weirs, study case on Kamniška Bistrica, chutes in a stream, characteristics of weirs

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