
Nenormalne kakovosti mišičnine piščancev
ID Dodič, Peter (Author), ID Demšar, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih desetletjih se perutninska industrija sooča s pogostim pojavom mesa nenormalne kakovosti, ki je povezano s stresom, genetiko, klavno tehnologijo in rastjo piščancev. Najpogostejša nenormalna kakovost je bleda, mehka in vodena (BMV) mišičnina, na njen pojav vplivajo tako okoljski (temperatura, letni čas, predklavni stres) kot genetski dejavniki (provenience piščancev). Zaradi povečanega povpraševanja po perutninskem mesu danes proizvajalci iščejo načine za izboljšanje funkcionalnih lastnosti BMV mesa z dodatki, kot so škrob, sojin izolat, kolagen in karagenan ter fizikalnimi in kemijskimi pristopi, kot so razsoljevanje, visokotlačna obdelava in glikoziliranje. Pri genotipih piščancev, za katere je značilen zelo hiter prirast mišične mase in s tem veliki donosi, se pojavljajo nepravilnosti predvsem na površinskem delu velikih prsnih mišic in se v literaturi opisujejo kot belo-progaste (BP) piščančje prsi (angl. white striping meat), žilavo in žvečljivo meso prsi, podobno lesu (LP) (angl. wooden breast) ter špagetom podobno (ŠP) meso (angl. spaghetti meat). Meso, povezano z nepravilnostmi v rasti živali, ni škodljivo za človeško prehrano, saj ni povezano z biološkimi ali kemijskimi nevarnostmi. Histološke spremembe, ki nastanejo kot posledica zgoraj omenjenih miopatij, so podobne spremembam, za katere so lahko krive različne bolezni (mišična distrofija, prehranska miopatija, globoka prsna miopatija in toksična miopatija), vzrok za pojav pa je običajno drugačen. Seveda pa lahko resnost omenjenih miopatij negativno vpliva na kakovostne in tehnološke lastnosti takega presnega in predelanega mesa ter na sprejemljivost potrošnikov, kar nedvomno povzroči gospodarsko škodo v perutninarski industriji.

Keywords:piščančje meso, kakovost mišičnine, BMV meso, lesu podobna piščančja prsa, belo progasto meso, špagetom podobno meso, ishemija, distrofija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Dodič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129485 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74858243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Chicken meat abnormalities
In recent decades, the poultry industry has been confronted with the frequent occurrence of meat of abnormal quality related to stress, genetics, pre-slaughter technology and chicken growth. The most common abnormal quality is pale, soft and exudative (PSE) muscle quality, which is influenced by both environmental factors (temperature, season, pre-slaughter stress) and genetic factors (chicken provenance). Due to the increased demand for poultry meat, producers are now looking for ways to improve the functional properties of PSE meat through additives such as starch, soy isolate, collagen, and carrageenan, as well as physical and chemical processes such as curing, high pressure treatment and glycosylation. In chicken genotypes characterized by a very rapid increase in muscle mass and thus high yields, irregularities occur mainly on the superficial part of the pectoralis major muscles and are described in the literature as white striped (WS) breasts, tough and chewy wood-like breast (WB) and spaghetti-like meat (SM). Meat associated with abnormalities in animal growth is safe for human consumption because it is not associated with biological or chemical hazards. The histological changes resulting from the above myopathies are similar to those that can be caused by various diseases (muscular dystrophy, nutritional myopathy, deep thoracic myopathy and toxic myopathy), the cause of these modern myopathies is usually different. The severity of these myopathies can, of course, have a negative impact on the quality and technological properties of raw and processed meat, as well as on consumer acceptance, which undoubtedly causes economic damage to the poultry industry.

Keywords:chicken meat, muscle quality, PSE meat, woody breast, white stripping, spaghetti meat, ischemia, dystrophy

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