
Vsebnost izbranih elementov v celodnevnih obrokih v domu starejših občanov
ID Plateis, Zala (Author), ID Korošec, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bilo preučiti, ali se ponujena hrana v domu starejših občanov sklada z referenčnimi vrednostmi za vnos makro in mikroelementov, ki so predpisane za to starostno skupino. S pomočjo kemijske analize petih izbranih elementov (natrija, kalija, kalcija, magnezija in železa) v celodnevnih obrokih smo njihove vsebnosti primerjali z referenčnimi vrednostmi za vnos teh elementov s hrano. Obravnavali smo 14 celodnevnih obrokov, ki so jih sestavljali zajtrk, kosilo, popoldanska malica in večerja. Ugotovili smo, da je v obrokih v obravnavanem domu starejših preveč natrija in soli, saj je tedenski vnos natrija in soli v obeh tednih presegal ocenjene vrednosti za minimalen vnos tega elementa. Najvišja izmerjena vrednost Na (2994 mg/dan) je skoraj za dvakrat presegla referenčno vrednost NIJZ za ta element (1500 mg/dan) (NIJZ, 2020). Vsebnosti soli v celodnevnih obrokih so presegale mejo 5 g/dan (NIJZ, 2016) v dvanajstih od štirinajstih dni, z najvišjo vrednostjo 7,6 g/dan. Za makroelement K smo ugotovili, da njegove vsebnosti v obrokih niso dosegale priporočenih vrednosti. Največja dnevna izmerjena vsebnost kalija v obrokih dveh tednov je bila 2605 mg, kar je še zmeraj veliko manj od priporočene vrednosti 4000 mg/dan, ki jo navaja NIJZ (2020). Tudi povprečna količina Ca v celodnevnih obrokih je bila nižja od priporočene vrednosti 1000 mg/dan. Največja vsebnost Ca v celodnevnem obroku je bila 903 mg, najnižja celo samo 339 mg/dan, medtem ko je priporočena vrednost 1000 mg/dan. Za Mg smo ugotovili, da izmerjene vrednosti v obrokih ne dosegajo priporočil NIJZ (2020) za moške (350 mg/dan), ter z izjemo enega dneva tudi ne priporočil za ženske (300 mg/dan). Po naših analizah so vsebnosti mikroelementa železa po večini ustrezale priporočeni vrednosti NIJZ (2020) 10 mg/dan, saj so se gibale med 10 in 19 mg/dan.

Keywords:starostniki, prehrana, minerali, natrij, kalij, kalcij, magnezij, železo, dom starejših občanov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Plateis]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129483 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74860547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The content of some elements in whole-day meals in elderly nursing home
The aim of the thesis was to examine whether the food offered in the elderly nursing home complies with the reference values for macro and micronutrients intake prescribed for the elderly age group. Chemical analysis of five selected elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron) was used in all-day meals, these contents were compared with the reference values for the intake of these elements with food. We discussed 14 all-day meals consisting of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. We found that there was too much sodium and salt in the meals in the nursing home in question, as the weekly sodium and salt intake in both weeks exceeded the estimated values for the minimum intake of this element. The highest measured value of Na (2994 mg/day) was almost twice the reference value of the National Institute of Public Health - NIJZ (2020) for this element (1500 mg/day). The salt content in all-day meals exceeded the limit of 5 g / day (NIJZ, 2016) in 12 of 14 days, with a maximum value of 7.6 g. For the macroelement K, we found that its content in the meals did not reach the recommended levels. The highest measured potassium content in the two-week meals was 2605 mg, which is still well below the NIJZ (2020) recommended value of 4000 mg/day. The average quantity of Ca in all-day meals was lower than the recommended value of 1000 mg/day. The maximum Ca content in the whole day meal was 903 mg, the lowest even only 339 mg/day, while the recommended value was 1000 mg/day. For Mg, we found that the measured values in meals do not meet the recommendations of the NIJZ (2020) for men (350 mg/day), and except for one day also do not meet the recommendations for women (300 mg/day). According to our analysis, the iron trace element contents mainly corresponded to the recommended NIJZ (2020) value of 10 mg/day, as they ranged between 10 and 19 mg/day

Keywords:elderly, nutrition, minerals, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, nursing homes

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