
Razvijanje osnovnošolskega predmeta tehnike in tehnologije s spodbujanjem učiteljev k sodelovanju in izmenjavi učnih gradiv preko spletnega mesta
ID Čerin, Boštjan (Author), ID Jamšek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6877/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo obravnava stanje na področju sodelovanja ter izmenjave učnih gradiv med slovenskimi učitelji tehnike. Podana je analiza obstoječih slovenskih spletnih strani združenj učiteljev tehnike ter drugih spletnih strani, primernih za izmenjavo učnih gradiv ter idej. Spletne strani so vrednotene z vidika sodelovanja, rednosti dodajanja novih vsebin, primernosti ter sodobnosti objavljenih vsebin. Ugotovljeno je, da večina učiteljev tehnike splet uporablja kot vir idej za nove izdelke. Najbolj priljubljena spletna vira med učitelji sta socialni omrežji Pinterest ter YouTube, kjer učitelji najdejo veliko sodobnih idej, primernih za pouk tehnike. Kot glavno pomanjkljivost učitelji navajajo neustrezno tehniško dokumentacijo, nenazorno predstavitev tehnologije izdelave, razdrobljenost objavljenih idej. Drug najbolj pogost učni vir so zbirke gradiv založb Izotech, Rokus Klett in DZS. Zbirke gradiv učitelje tehnike časovno razbremenijo, saj ima potrebno gradivo za pouk že zbrano. Učitelji, ki zbirk gradiv založb ne uporabljajo, vidijo prednost v cenovno ugodnejših gradivih, v fleksibilnosti pri izdelavi izdelkov ter lažji prilagoditvi potrebam in željam učencev. Izmenjava in sodelovanje med učitelji poteka predvsem z ustnim predajanjem idej (66,7 %). Približno polovica učiteljev (56,9 %) je učno gradivo že posredovalo drugim učiteljem. Izmenjave učnih gradiv preko spleta pa med učitelji skorajda ni (6,9 %). Učitelji so pasivni uporabniki spleta, saj splet uporabljajo le za iskanje idej. Za namen spodbujanja aktivne uporabe spleta, kjer bi učitelji tehnike tudi prispevali ideje in učna gradiva, je bil izdelan predlog spletnega mesta. Smernice za predlog spletnega mesta so zastavljene na podlagi analiz obstoječih spletnih mest ter potreb učiteljev tehnike (http://tit-gradiva.eu). Pripravljena so bila vzorčna gradiva, primerna za predmet tehnika in tehnologija 6, za katera je pripravljen opis tehnologije izdelave, slikovno ponazoritev tehnologije izdelave ter tehnično dokumentacijo. Vsa gradiva so povezana z učnimi načrti obveznih predmetov tehnike v osnovni šoli.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129294 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74589187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Creation of the elementary school subjects of engineering and technology by promoting teacher collaboration and the exchange of learning materials via the website
This dissertation contains the research of the cooperation and exchange of teaching and learning materials among the Slovenian design and technology teachers. The analysis of the existing Slovenian websites of design and technology teachers’ associations and other websites suitable for the exchange of teaching materials and ideas is given. Websites are evaluated in terms of cooperation, regularity of adding new content, relevance and contemporariness of published content. It has been found that most teachers of technology use the web as a source of ideas for new products. The most popular online resources among teachers are the social networks, Pinterest and YouTube, where teachers find many contemporary ideas suitable for technology lessons. As the main drawback, teachers cite inadequate technical documentation, inaccurate presentation of tecnological processes, fragmentation of published ideas. Another most common learning source are the collections of materials published by Izotech, Rokus Klett and DZS. Collections of materials relieve teachers of their time, as the necessary teaching materials have already been collected. The teachers who do not use the collections of materials provided by the publishers see the advantage in more affordable materials, flexibility in the making of products, and easier adaptation to the needs and wishes of students. Exchange and cooperation among teachers takes place mainly through oral presentation of ideas (66.7%). Approximately half of the teachers (56.9%) have already passed on the teaching materials to other teachers. There is almost no exchange of teaching materials online (6.9%). Teachers are passive users of the web, as they only use it to find ideas. In order to encourage the active use of the Internet, where teachers of technology would also contribute ideas and teaching materials, a website template was developed. The guidelines for the website propositon are based on analyses of existing websites and the needs of the technology teachers (http://tit-gradiva.eu). Sample materials suitable for the subject of design and technology 6 were prepared, for which a description of the manufacturing technology, a visual illustration of the manufacturing process, and technical documentation were prepared. All materials are related to the curricula of compulsory design and technology subjects in primary school.

Keywords:design and technology

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