
Raziskovanje stisk v času epidemije virusa Covid- 19 med otroki s posebnimi potrebami : diplomsko delo
ID Dolenc, Urška (Author), ID Zaviršek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razglašena epidemija koronavirusa je močno posegla v življenje ljudi ter skupaj z ukrepi za njeno zajezitev večini povzročila skrbi. Diplomska naloga temelji na raziskovanju stisk otrok s posebnimi potrebami v času izrednih razmer z vidika učiteljev in šolskih svetovalnih delavcev, ki so usposobljeni za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, s kakšnimi izzivi ter stiskami so se soočali učenci v času sprememb v izobraževanju, od izobraževanja na daljavo do ponovnega vračanja v šolo. Poizvedovala sem, kako so otroci znotraj manj spodbudnega družinskega okolja v času izrednih razmer doživljali socialno distanciranje ter kako poteka proces nudenja pomoči otroku v stiski. Spraševala sem se, kako učitelji in svetovalni delavci prepoznajo in ustrezno naslovijo stiske otrok ter vzpostavijo medinstitucionalno sodelovanje z namenom zagotovitve varnosti otroka. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila temo o otrocih s posebnimi potrebami in temo o njihovih stiskah, ki ju povezuje tematika novega koronavirusa. V metodološkem delu sem predstavila izvedeno kvaliltativno raziskavo ter z analizo intervjujev prikazala rezultate, ki ob razpravi dajejo odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Diplomska naloga prikazuje prepoznavanje dejavnikov, ki so spodbudili nastop nove ali poglobitev že obstoječe stiske pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami. Raziskava potrjuje, da je epidemija na podlagi različnih dejavnikov prisotnih v okolju otrok imela nanje različen vpliv. Bolj izpostavljeni so bili otroci, ki so bili ranljivi že pred epidemijo, med njimi še posebej otroci iz socialno-ekonomsko ranljivih družin. Raziskava potrjuje, da je vloga šolske svetovalne delavke ključna pri prepoznavi stisk otrok ter pri nudenju začetne podpore. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela sem povzela ugotovitve raziskave in predstavila predloge izboljsˇav, predvsem na podrocˇju prepoznavanja stisk otrok ter dostopnosti do strokovne pomoči.

Keywords:izobraževanje na daljavo, socialno distanciranje, učitelji in svetovalni delavci, podpora, sprememba rutine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Dolenc]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (110 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129270 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82040579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Research on Distress during the Epidemic Virus Covid-19 among Children with Special Needs
The declared coronavirus epidemic has severely affected people's lives and together with limiting measures caused a lot of worries to most of the people. The diploma thesis is based on the research of distresses of children with special needs during state of emergency from the point of view of teachers and school counsellors who are trained to work with them. In the research, I was interested in what challenges and hardships had pupils faced during the changes in learning process, especially about distance learning and re-attending school. I researched how pupils from less supporting family environment experienced social distancing during state of emergency and how the process of providing help to children in distress takes place. I wondered how teachers and counsellors identify and address children’s distress and establish inter-institutional cooperation to ensure child’s safety. In the theoretical part, I introduced the topic of children with special needs and their distresses, which is connected with the topic of the new coronavirus. In the methodological part, I did a qualitative research and presented the results of analysed interviews, which provide answers to research questions. The diploma thesis identifies factors that had stimulated occurrence of new distress or deepened existing distresses of children with special needs. The research confirms that the epidemic had a different impact on children based on various factors present in their environment. Children more exposed to it were vulnerable already before the epidemic, especially children from socio-economically vulnerable families. Research also confirms that the role of the school counsellor is crucial in identifying children’s distresses and in providing initial support. In the last part of the thesis, I summarized the findings of the research and presented suggestions for improvement, especially in the field of identifying distresses of children and access to professional help.

Keywords:distance education, social distancing, teachers and counselors, support, change of routine

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