
Ekološka alternativa polimerom za široko uporabo
ID Đurić, Filip (Author), ID Pezdirc, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskoval področje onesnaževanja zemlje in se osredotočil predvsem na onesnaževanje s plastiko. V prvem koraku sem se poglobil v raziskovanje obstoječih alternativ sintetičnim polimerov. Kot merilo filtriranja sem izbral principe Cradle 2 Cradle sistema oziroma eco-effectiveness. V tej raziskavi sem prišel do ugotovitve, da ima PHB biopolimer največji potencial za aplikativnost na področju industrijskega oblikovanja. Ključni dejavnik za doseganje maksimalnega potenciala biopolimerov je tehnologija 3D printa. S to tehnologijo sem pridobil koncepte aplikacije, ki uporabljajo minimalno količino materiala za doseganje želenih mehanskih lastnosti ter so predstavniki iskrenega in pametnega oblikovanja. Elaboriral sem potencial biopolimerov na področju embalaže, otroških igrač, zobnih ščetk itd. Koncept, na katerega sem se osredotočal, je multifunkcijska čelada. Čelado sem izbral, ker mora zadoščati varnostnim standardom, poleg tega pa mora biti lahka in udobna za uporabnika. Tak produkt je ambasador možnosti uporabe biopolimerov. Za zdaj se namreč biopolimeri uporabljajo večinoma na področju embalaže, zato sem s produktom stojala prikazal, da njihov potencial obstaja na precej širšem področju.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, biopolimeri, bioplastika, ekologija, PHB, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129236 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:An eco-friendly alternative to widespread polymers
In this master thesis I have been exploring the area of pollution through a special focus on the impact of plastics in its context. In the first step I have researched the existing alternatives to synthetic polymers. As a criteria, I have set the principles of the "Cradle 2 Cradle" system, or the "Eco-Effectiveness. Furthermore, I came to conclusion that the biopolymer PHB has the greatest potential for applicability in the field of industrial design. The key factor to achieve the maximum potential of the biopolymers is 3D printing. With the 3D print technology, I have applied the application concepts, which uses minimum material to achieve the desied mechanical properties. Through this approach, concepts became representatives of an honest and smart design. I have also been elaborating the potential of biopolymers in fields of packagings, toys, toothbrushes, etc. The concept with which I chose to carry on is a multifunctional helmet, which had to meet safety standards, however, still stay as light and as comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is a product which represents the full potential of biopolymers, which are mainly used for packaging, in which case I have decided to design monitor stand to show how the potential use of biopolymers can reach its further uses.

Keywords:industrial design, biopolymers, bioplastics, ecology, PHB, MA thesis

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