
Razvoj programa za simuliranje balinanja
ID Pečarič, Miha (Author), ID Česnik, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Boltežar, Miha (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano gibanje krogel v prostoru — poševni met, trki, kotaljenje s podrsavanjem in kotaljenje brez podrsavanja. Naloga temelji na razumevanju fizikalnih osnov gibalnih enačb in reševanju le-teh z numerično integracijo. Cilj naloge je razviti program za simuliranje balinanja. Namen programa je prikazati realno stanje gibanja krogel pri partiji balinanja in razložiti dobljene rezultate s pomočjo slik in grafov. Podrobno so predstavljeni vsi koraki nastajanja programa in implementacija predstavljenih teoretičnih osnov v programu. Vse uporabljene funkcije so razložene in opisane. Rezultata naloge sta programska koda, ki omogoča simuliranje gibanja večjega števila krogel in analizira njihove poti ter animacija gibanja krogel. Programsko kodo smo razvili v programskem jeziku Python, animacijo pa v programu za upodabljanje Blender.

Keywords:dinamika togih teles, poševni met, kotaljenje s podrsavanjem, kotaljenje, trk, Python, Blender, simuliranje
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pečarič]
Number of pages:XIV, 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82394115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Development of boule-game simulation software
The presented diploma thesis addresses movement of balls — projectile motion, collisions, rolling with and without slipping. Thesis is based on the understanding of physical laws and equations of motion and on how to solve them using numerical integration. The goal of the thesis is to develop a boule-game simulation software. The core function of software is displaying realistic conditions of ball movement at boule-game and explaining acquired results with the help of images and graphs. Making of the program and implementation of pre-displayed theoretical foundations is presented in detail. All used functions are described and explained. Results of the thesis are programming code, that simulates motion of multiple ball sand analyses their paths, as well as animation of balls’ movement. Programming was done in programming language Python and animation in rendering software Blender.

Keywords:rigid body dynamics, projectile motion, sliding and rolling, rolling, collision, Python, Blender, simulation

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