
Robotizacija in optimizacija polnilne linije AdBlue
ID Gorjanc, Črt (Author), ID Herakovič, Niko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimic, Marko (Comentor)

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Naloga obravnava robotizacijo in optimizacijo polnilne linije za polnjenje tekočine AdBlue. Polnilna linija je pred optimizacijo in robotizacijo delovala na polni zasedenosti, kar je ob večjih naročilih povzročalo daljše čakalne roke. Ob polnem delovanju je polnilna linija za proizvodnjo 5 in 10 l izdelkov AdBlue potrebovala 3 zaposlene, kar je tudi zniževalo RVC izdelka. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljen teoretični del robotizacije in njen razvoj, v nadaljevanju pa je predstavljen podroben popis obstoječega stanja proizvodne linije za polnjenje tekočine AdBlue z definiranimi ozkimi grli. V drugem delu diplomske naloge je prikazana zasnova nove proizvodne linije z uvedbo robotizacije in optimizacije polnilne linije. Za izvedbo optimizacije in izbiro končnega predloga smo uporabili digitalni dvojček proizvodnega procesa polnjenja tekočine AdBlue. Predstavljen je nov tloris polnilne linije z vključeno robotsko celico in nov protokol dela. Izdelani so tudi izračuni na podlagi možnosti optimizacije in robotizacije polnilne linije v kombinaciji z zahtevami podjetja. Pričakovani rezultati diplomske naloge so dvig kapacitete linije za 15 %, omogočiti polno delovanje linije pri zgolj enem operaterju in pa povrnitev investicije v 2 letih.

Keywords:AdBlue, optimizacija, digitalni dvojček, polnilna linija, robotska celica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Č. Gorjanc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129184 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76339715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Robotization and optimization of the AdBlue production filling line
The thesis deals with robotization and optimization of production filling lines for filling liquid AdBlue. Before optimization and robotization, the charging line operated at full capacity, resulting in longer waiting times. At full operation, the filling line for the production of 5 and 10 l of AdBlue products required 3 employees, which also reduced the RVC of product. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical part of robotics in its development, and further presents a detailed list of the existing situation of production lines for filling AdBlue liquids with defined bottlenecks. The second part of the diploma thesis shows the design of new production lines with the introduction of robotics and optimization of filling lines. We used the digital twin of the AdBlue liquid filling production process to perform the optimization and select the final proposal. A new floor plan of the charging line with a robotic cell included and a new work protocol were presented. Calculations are also made based on the possibilities of optimization and robotization of filling lines in combination with the requirements of the company. The expected results of the diploma thesis are increase the capacities of the lines by 15 %, enable the full operation of the lines in just one operation and return on investments in 2 years.

Keywords:AdBlue, optimization, digital twin, charging line, robotic cell

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