
Kvantifikacija biofilma na mikroplastiki
ID Turk, Katja (Author), ID Kalčikova, Gabriela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Plastika je postala nepogrešljiv material v našem življenju. Tempo, ki ga diktira svetovna proizvodnja presega naše sposobnosti za odgovorno ravnanje s plastičnimi odpadki, ki pri tem nastajajo. Tako vsakodnevno v naravo zaidejo ogromne količine plastike. Ta razpada na manjše delce, ki jim pravimo mikroplastika. Mikroplastika je v naravnem okolju podvržena številnim fizikalnim in kemijskim dejavnikom, poleg tega pa tako prihaja v stik s prisotnimi mikroorganizmi v okolju. Le-ti na površini mikroplastike tvorijo biofilm, ki še dodatno vpliva na njeno obnašanje v okolju. Delcem, na katerih se naselijo mikroorganizmi, se poveča gostota, kar vpliva na njihovo porazdelitev v vodnem okolju, ter biodostopnost za druge organizme. Prisotnost biofilma vpliva tudi na kroženje nutrientov, strupenost in interakcije z onesnaževali, ki so prisotni v vodi. V okviru eksperimentalnega dela diplomske naloge smo mikroplastiko izpostavili površinski vodi iz okolja in vrednotili razvoj biofilma na njeni površini ter spremembe v lastnostih mikroplastike. Ugotovili smo, da se na njej hitro razvija biofilm. Aktivnost biofilma smo dokazali z določanjem aktivnosti encimov ureaz, fotosintetskega pigmenta klorofila in ekstrahiranih zunajceličnih polimernih snovi. Mikroplastiki se je v 12 tednih izpostavljenosti površinski vodi povečala gostota, poleg tega pa je bil biofilm odgovoren tudi za njeno aglomeracijo.

Keywords:biofilm, mikroplastika, vodni ekosistem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75493891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Quantification of biofilm on microplastics
Plastic has become an indispensable material in our lives. The pace dictated by global production exceeds our ability to responsibly handle generated plastic waste. Therefore, enormous amounts of plastics end up in our environment every day, where they break down into smaller particles called microplastics. By entering the environment, microplastics are subject to a number of physical and chemical factors. They also encounter microorganisms, which form a biofilm on a particle surface and further affect behavior of microplastics. The density of particles then increases after biofouling, affecting their distribution in the aquatic environment and their bioavailability to other organisms. The presence of biofilm also affects nutrient flow, toxicity, and interactions with contaminants present in water. In experimental part of the thesis, we exposed microplastics to surface water and evaluated the development of biofilm on its surface, as well as changes in the properties of microplastics. Results showed that living microorganisms can easily colonized microplastics. The viability of the biofilm was demonstrated by the measurement of activity of the urease enzymes, by the determination of the photosynthetic pigment (i.e. chlorophyll) and by analysis of extracted extracellular polymeric substances. After 12 weeks of aging in surface water, the density of microplastics increased and particles started to agglomerate as a consequence of biofilm formation.

Keywords:aquatic ecosystems, biofilm, microplastics

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