
Izkušnje aseksualnih oseb z diskriminacijo in nasiljem : magistrsko delo
ID Černe, Gaja (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje aseksualnosti, s poudarkom na izkušnjah aseksualnih oseb z diskriminacijo in nasiljem. V teoretičnem delu sem pojasnila pojem spolna usmerjenost in kratico »LGBT+«, navedla sem različne opredelitve aseksualnosti, opisala proces razkritja aseksualne spolne identitete, problematiko pritiska k spolnosti ter opisala, kaj je aromantičnost. Nadalje sem predstavila, kaj je afobija in podrobneje pojasnila problematiko mikroagresije, diskriminacije, nasilja in stigmatiziranosti aseksualnosti. Navedla sem različne strategije spoprijemanja aseksualnih oseb s stigmo. Teoretski del sem zaključila s povezavo med aseksualnostjo in socialnim delom. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila ugotovitve kvalitativne raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla – z intervjuji na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu tridesetih aseksualnih oseb. Gre za prvo slovensko raziskavo na tem področju. Vprašanja so bila povezana s stereotipi aseksualnosti, izkušnjami razkritja njihove aseksualne identitete, izkušnjami diskriminacije in nasilja, pritiskom k spolnosti, vlogi socialnega dela itd. Spoznala sem, da se diskriminacija aseksualnih oseb najpogosteje kaže v obliki socialne izključenosti in izolacije, nejevere in neupoštevanja njihove aseksualne identifikacije, neželenih spolnih odnosov, ustrahovanja in draženja. Ugotovila sem, da aseksualne osebe doživljajo različne vrste nasilja, prevladuje pa spolno nasilje. Pogosto doživljajo spolne grožnje in manipulacije, predvsem s strani bivših ali potencialnih partnerjev. Specifično za aseksualne osebe je korektivno posilstvo. Socialni delavci in delavke smo pomembni akterji pri preprečevanju nasilja in diskriminacije ter zmanjševanju stigme aseksualnosti, a moramo biti vedno znova pripravljeni se izobraževati in informirati. Strokovnjaki se moramo zavedati, da aseksualnost ni nekaj, kar bi bilo potrebno popraviti. Načini podpiranja aseksualnih oseb in skupnosti so različni, od individualne podpore, izobraževanja, ozaveščanja do boja proti diskriminaciji. Smo spoštljivi in odgovorni zavezniki aseksualnih oseb. Ugotovila sem, da so intervjuvanci mnenja, da se odnos družbe do aseksualnosti počasi spreminja na bolje, kar se kaže tudi s povečanim številom prostorov, ki se opredeljujejo kot LGBTQIA+. Problem še vedno ostajata spolna normativnost ter družbena pričakovanja glede pripisanih spolnih vlog. V medijih se pojavlja vedno več aseksualnih likov, kar pripomore k normalizaciji aseksualnosti, po drugi strani pa so lahko ti liki napačno prikazani, s čimer se širijo in krepijo negativni stereotipi. Hkrati so mediji tudi vedno bolj odprti do seksualnih tem, reklame so seksualizirane, prikazani odnosi so večinoma heteroseksualni itd. Spoznala sem, da imajo aseksualne osebe lahko edinstvene potrebe in izkušnje, ki izpodbijajo tradicionalno prakso na področju duševnega zdravja. Socialnim delavkam se je potrebno izobraziti in se naučiti, kako upoštevati te razlike, da preprečimo škodo v socialnodelovnem odnosu ali, kar je še huje, jo še povečamo. Rezultati raziskave so koristni tako zame, kot tudi za vse strokovnjake, ki delajo na področju spola in seksualnosti.

Keywords:aseksualnost, spolna usmerjenost, stereotipi, socialno delo, podpora, LGBT+
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Černe]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (143 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129149 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79736579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of Asexual People with Discrimination and Violence
In my master’s thesis, I explored the topic of asexuality, focusing on the experiences of asexual people with discrimination and violence. In the theoretical part, I explained the concept of sexual orientation and the abbreviation “LGBT+”, listed different definitions of asexuality, explained the process of coming out, the issue of pressure to have sex and what is aromanticism. I further outlined what aphobia is and described the issues of microaggression, discrimination, violence and the stigmatization of asexuality. I have listed different strategies asexual people use for coping with stigma. I concluded the theoretical part with describing a connection between asexuality and social work. In the empirical part, I presented the findings of the qualitative research I conducted - by interviewing a non-probabaility accidental sample of thirty asexual people. This is the first Slovenian research in this field. Questions were related to asexuality stereotypes, interviewees’ experiences of coming out, their experiences of discrimination and violence, sexual pressure, the role of social work etc. I realized that discrimination against asexual people most often manifests in the form of social exclusion and isolation, disbelief and disregard for their asexual identification, unwanted sexual intercourse, intimidation, and irritation. I have found that asexual people experience different types of violence, and that sexual violence predominates. Asexual people often experience sexual threats and manipulation, especially from former or potential partners. Specific for asexual people is corrective rape. Social workers are important actors in preventing discrimination and violence and reducing the stigma of asexuality, but we must always be ready to educate and inform ourselves. Professionals need to be aware that asexuality is not something that needs to be fixed. Ways of supporting asexual people and communities vary, from individual support, education, awareness-raising to the fight against discrimination. We are respectful and responsible allies of asexual people. I found out that the interviewees believe that society’s attitude towards asexuality is slowly changing for the better, which is also reflected in the increased number of spaces that define themselves as LGBTQIA+. Gender normativity and societal expectations regarding attributed gender roles remain a problem. More and more asexual characters are appearing in the media, which helps normalizing asexuality, but on the other hand, these characters can be misrepresented, thus spreading and reinforcing negative stereotypes. At the same time, the media are also becoming increasingly open to sexual topics, advertisements are sexualized, the relationships shown are mostly heterosexual etc. I have learned that asexual people may have unique needs and experiences that challenge traditional mental health practices. Social workers need to be educated and learn how to take these differences into account in order to prevent harm in the social work relationship or, worse, to increase the harm. The results of the research are useful for me as well as for all professionals working in the field of gender and sexuality.

Keywords:asexuality, sexual orientation, stereotypes, social work, support, LGBT+

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