
Izkušnja žensk z umetno prekinitvijo nosečnosti v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Paska, Katarina (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V kvalitativni raziskavi na temo Izkušnja žensk z umetno prekinitvijo nosečnosti v Sloveniji sem raziskovala individualno izkušnjo vsake posameznice, in sicer dejavnike, ki so jih pripeljali do te odločitve, kakšno podporo so dobivale od bližnjih, strokovnjakinj oziroma strokovnjakov in institucij, s katerimi so bile v tem procesu v stiku, hkrati pa sem raziskovala tudi spremembe, ki jih je ta izkušnja pustila na posameznicah, in kako same gledajo na družbene poglede glede te aktualne tematike. Skozi teoretični del sem želela prikazati zakonsko podlago glede umetne prekinitve nosečnosti pri nas in kako se je zgodovinsko oblikovala. Namreč v Sloveniji je odločanje o rojstvu otrok svobodno, prav tako pa ima vsaka posameznica in vsak posameznik pravico do odločanja glede lastnega telesa in umetna prekinitev nosečnosti se lahko opravi le na željo posameznice. Naredila sem tudi pregled družbenih pogledov in diskurzov glede umetne prekinitve nosečnosti pri nas in po svetu, torej kakšni so argumenti zagovornikov pravice do izbire in pravice do življenja zarodka. Gre za človekovo pravico, ki je velikokrat kršena, večkrat smo lahko videli, da je katera država že priznavala pravico do umetne prekinitve nosečnosti, a ji je bila ta pravica hitro vzeta. Izpostavila sem tudi, kaj to pomeni za posameznice. Zanimivo mi je bilo slišati mnenje sogovornic o teh diskurzih, same so namreč velike podpornice pro-choice stališča, je pa ena izmed njih pred izkušnjo imela drugačno mnenje. Zavedajo se, da ima vsak svoje poglede na tovrstne tematike, vendar so mnenja, da bi morala biti odločitev glede lastnega telesa stvar samo in izključno vsakega posameznika. Posvetila sem se tudi iskanju posledic, ki jih umetna prekinitev nosečnosti pusti na posameznicah. V literaturi namreč več avtorjev navaja, da gre večinoma za kratkotrajne posledice, večinoma čustvene in psihološke, lahko pa se zgodi tudi, da pride do drugačnih potreb posameznice pri njenih bodočih nosečnostih. Skozi celotno teorijo pa sem vključevala tudi poglede avtorjev glede vloge socialnega dela, ki je v tem primeru zelo pomembna, saj socialni delavke in delavci nudijo čustveno oporo ter pogovore posameznicam v celotnem procesu, nenazadnje jih tudi seznanjajo s postopki ter jih skozi ves ta čas skušajo opolnomočiti, hkrati pa je pomembno, da v svojem pristopu ne obsojajo in ne delujejo diskriminatorno. Posvetila sem se tudi podpori strokovnjakinj oziroma strokovnjakov in bližnjih, ki so bili prisotni v procesu umetne prekinitve nosečnosti, a se je pri več posameznicah zgodilo, da niso bile zadovoljne z odnosom strokovnjakinj oziroma strokovnjakov in institucij, hkrati pa bi si želele več podpore in empatije ter manj obsojanja. Glede podpore bližnjih so bile v večini zadovoljne, predvsem s podporo partnerjev, ki, kot je večkrat zapisano v literaturi, želijo aktivno sodelovati in biti podporni v celotnem procesu. Seveda so sogovornice govorile tudi o tem, da med procesom niso dobivale podpore, na marsikatero sogovornico je partner tudi negativno vplival. So pa bile v večini dobro informirane o celotnem poteku, kot tudi piše v literaturi, morajo biti seznanjene z vsemi možnostmi in sredstvi, ki jih imajo takrat na razpolago. Pomembno je namreč, da vedo, kaj se z njihovim telesom dogaja.

Keywords:umetna prekinitev nosečnosti, socialno delo, ženske, družbeni diskurz
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Paska]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (102 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129147 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83707139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experience with abortion among women in Slovenia
In a qualitative research on the experience of women with abortion in Slovenia, I researched a specific expirience of each individual woman, the factors that led to this decision, what support they received from loved ones, experts and institutions with which they were in contact in this process, I also researched the changes that this experience has left on individuals and how they themselves view social views on this current topic. In theoretical part I wanted to show the legal basis regarding abortion in our country and how it was formed through the history. In Slovenia, the decision on the birth of children is free and every individual has the right to decide for their own body and abortion can only be done at the request of the individual. I also made an overview of social views and discourses regarding abortion in our country and around the world, what are the arguments of the advocates of the right to choose (pro-choice) and the right to life of the fetus (pro-life). It is a human right that is often violated, we have seen many times that some countries have already had the right to abortion, bit this right was quickly taken away and we can also see what that means for women. It was interesting for me to hear opinions of women that participated in my research on this discourses, as they themselves are big supporters of the pro-choice movemen, but one of them had a different opinion before the experience. They are aware that everyone has their own views on such topics, but they agree on the opinion that the decision about their own body should be a matter exclusively for each individual. I also focused on finding the consequences that abortion has on individuals and how it all affects them. In the literature, several authors state that this are mostly short-term consequences, mostly emotional and psychological, but it can also happen that women with this experience have different needs in future pregnancies. I also included the authors' views on the role of social work, which is very important in such cases, as social workers offer emotional support to individuals in the whole process, conversations, acquaint them with procedures and try to empower them. But at the same time it is important that they don't act in a discriminatory manner in their approach. I also focused on the support of professionals and loved ones who were present in the process of abortion, but it turned out that several individuals weren't satisfied with the attitude of professionals and institutions and would like more support and empathy and less condemnation. Regarding the support of loved ones, they were mostly satisfied, especially with the support of the partner, who, as repeatedly noted in the literature, also wants to actively participate and be supported throughout the process. Women who participated in my research aldo talked about the fact that they didn't receive support during the process and many of them were negatively affected by their partner. However, they were mostly well informed about the whole process, as it is written in the literature, they must be familiar with all the possibilities and means at their disposal at that time, namely it is important that they know, what is happening to their body.

Keywords:abortion, social work, women, social discourse

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