
Zgodbe zaznamovanih z zasvojenostjo : magistrsko delo
ID Stariha, Patricija (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je na polje znanega o zasvojenostih dodati vpogled v doživljanja ekspertov iz izkušenj. Zanimalo me je, kakšne so izkušnje mojih sogovornikov z različnimi oblikami pomoči, kakšne strategije imajo razvite za soočanje z življenjskimi izzivi in kaj jim daje moč, da vztrajajo. Z izbrano temo sem hkrati želela osvetliti delovanje uporabniške samoorganizirane skupine za samopomoč Kr' mi in izkušnje njenih članov s skupino. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavim pojav zasvojenosti, razloge za nastanek zasvojenosti, posledice, ki jih le-ta pusti na posamezniku in opišem, katere so znane oblike pomoči ljudem, ki se osvobajajo od zasvojenosti. V nadaljevanju pozornost posvečam ranljivim posameznikom in skupinam, mehanizmom socialnega izključevanja ter kako se to odraža na ljudeh, ki imajo težave z zasvojenostmi. Zatem se navežem na pomen emancipacije v socialnem delu in predstavim koncepte ter metode dela, za katere menim, da so v pomoč pri delu z ljudmi, ki imajo težave z zasvojenostjo. Nazadnje obravnavam koncept samopomoči s fokusom na značilnostih in namenu skupin za samopomoč. Opravila sem kvalitativno raziskavo. S triangulacijo podatkov iz poglobljenih intervjujev z dvema članoma in tremi članicami skupine za samopomoč Kr' mi ter iz lastnih dnevniških zapisov sem dobila odgovore na zgoraj omenjene teme raziskovanja. Ugotovila sem, da je mojim sogovornikom v procesu osvobajanja od zasvojenosti pomembno, da se upošteva njihova perspektiva, da se ne počutijo omejeni in nadzorovani, temveč sprejeti. Vir koristnega znanja so jim v veliki meri pripovedi ekspertov iz izkušenj. Sogovorniki podporo bližnjih doživljajo kot najpomembnejši vir moči. Poleg socialnih mrež kot vir moči omenjajo navade in karakterne lastnosti, ki jih imajo, ter aktivnosti, ki jih radi počnejo. Pomembno vlogo tako pri vzdrževanju abstinence kot pri soočanju s vsakdanjimi izzivi pripišejo skupini za samopomoč Kr' mi. Skupina od avgusta 2019 dalje izvaja neformalna srečanja v naravi, ki potekajo na različnih lokacijah Slovenije. Skupina je nastala kot odgovor na nezadostne formalne oblike pomoči. Člani skupino doživljajo kot vir znanja, prostor za druženje in izmenjavo izkušenj, pomeni jim športno aktivnost in vzpostavljanje novih življenjskih rutin in navad.

Keywords:zasvojenost, viri moči, skupina za samopomoč, uporabniška perspektiva, emancipatorno socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Stariha]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (123 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129146 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80466179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Stories by People Marked by Addiction
The purpose of the master's thesis is to add insight into the experiences of experts from experience on the field of addiction knowledge. In my research, I was interested in experiences with different forms of help that my co-speaker had, what strategies they have developed to face life’s challenges, and what gives them the strength to persevere. With the chosen topic, I also wanted to highlight the work of the user self-organized self-help group Kr 'mi and the experiences of its members with the group. In the theoretical introduction, I present the phenomenon of addiction, the reasons for the emergence of addiction and the consequences that it leaves on the individual. I also describe known forms of help to people who are freeing themselves from addiction. Next, I focus on vulnerable individuals and groups, the mechanisms of social exclusion, and how it reflects on people with addiction problems. Then, I relate to the importance of emancipation in social work and present the concepts and methods of social work, that I consider to be helpful in work with people who have addiction problems. Finally, I discuss the concept of self-help with an emphasis on the characteristics and purpose of self-help groups. I made qualitative research. By triangulating the data from narrative interviews with two male members and three female members of the Kr 'mi self-help groups and my dairy records, I obtained answers to the above-mentioned research topics. The research showed that for my co-speakers in the process of liberation from addiction it is important to take into account their perspective, not to feel limited and controlled, but accepted. The source of useful knowledge for them is largely the stories of experts from experience. Co-speakers as the most important source of power, experience support from their friends and family. Besides their social network, they mentioned as a source of power their habits and character traits and certain activities that they like to do. An important help in maintaining abstinence, as well as in dealing with everyday challenges, is attributed to the self-help group Kr 'mi. From August 2019 onwards, the group holds informal meetings in nature, which take place in various locations in Slovenia. The group was formed in response to insufficient formal forms of help. Members experience the group as a source of knowledge, as a space for socializing and exchanging experiences, for them it means sports activity and adopting new life routines and habits.

Keywords:addiction, sources of power, self-help group, user perspective, emancipatory social work

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