
Dopolnilni pristopi pri ugotavljanju psihofizičnega počutja pri živalih
ID Končar, Ema (Author), ID Zupan Šemrov, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri ugotavljanju psihofizičnega stanja živali se poslužujemo različnih načinov, kot je opazovanje obnašanja, analiza fizioloških parametrov ter ocena parametrov rasti in drugih fizičnih parametrov. Razumevanje psihološkega stanja živali oz. izražanje čustev omogoči večjo ozaveščenost lastnikov o potrebah po vrsti značilnem izražanju obnašanja in je pomoč pri preprečevanju pojava bolezni. Žal ni poznanega načina za neposredno merjenje čustva, obstajajo pa indirektni načini, s katerimi merimo fiziološke in nevronske kazalnike čustev ter kazalnike obnašanja. V zadnjem času na pomenu pridobivajo novi pristopi merjenja čustev pri živalih, ki izhajajo iz metod zdravljenja pri ljudeh. Poznamo različne metode, med katere prištevamo akupunkturo, bioresonanco, hidroterapijo in druge. Akupunktura se uporablja za zdravljenje številnih bolezenskih stanj, kot so nevrološke težave in bolečina. Pri akupunkturi se stimulirajo specifične točke na površini telesa z vstavitvijo igle, ki povzroči terapevtski učinek. Bioresonančna terapija predstavlja alternativo za zmanjševanje stopnje bolezni ter lajšanje neugodja in bolečin pri živalih. Ta terapija uporablja elektromagnetne frekvence za diagnosticiranje bolezni. Hidroterapija je terapevtska vadba v vodi na tekalni stezi. Usmerjena je v terapije kroničnih stanj, predoperativne kondicije in pooperacijskega okrevanja pri živalih. V veljavi je tudi uporaba aurografa, ki pokaže vpogled v energijsko stanje in telesne funkcije živali. Namen diplomskega dela, ni le pregled omenjenih dopolnilnih metod, ampak tudi prikaz praktičnih primerov pri akupunkturi, bioresonanci in hidroterapiji, izvedenih pri psih in mački, kjer se je ugotavljalo izboljšanje psihofizičnega stanja.

Keywords:psi, mačke, obnašanje živali, psihofizičo počutje, fiziološki parametri, čustva, dopolnilne metode, terapije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129133 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74290435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Supplementary approaches in determining the psyhophysical condition of animals
We use various methods to determine the psychophysical state of animals, such as observing their behaviour, checking physiological, growth and other physical parameters. It is important to understand the emotions of animals so that we can give them a better life and allow them to express their specific behaviour. In this way, we can also prevent some of the diseases that can occur when animals' needs are not met. Unfortunately, there is no way to measure emotions directly, but we can still indirectly measure physiological, behavioural, and neural indicators of emotion. Recently, important new approaches to measuring emotions have emerged, based on approaches used in humans. There are several methods of treatment, including acupuncture, bioresonance, hydrotherapy, and others. Acupuncture is used to treat many medical conditions such as neurological problems and pain. It is a method of stimulating specific points on the surface of the body by inserting a needle, which produces a therapeutic effect. Bioresonance therapy is an alternative to reduce the rate of disease, relieve discomfort or pain in animals. It uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat a disease. Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic exercise in water on a treadmill. It focuses on treating chronic conditions, pre-surgical exercise and post-surgical recovery in animals. An aurograph is a device that shows insight into energy levels and body functions in dogs. B. Sc. Thesis is not only an overview of the above mentioned complementary treatment approaches, but it also presents some practical examples of acupuncture, bioresonance and hydrotherapy in dogs and cats where their psichophysical state was observed.

Keywords:dogs, cats, animal behaviour, psychophysical condition, physiological parameters, emotions, supplementary methods, therapies

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