
Granuliranje s talinami z različnimi mezoporoznimi nosilci in vezivi v hitrovrtečem granulatorju
ID Božič, Matej (Author), ID German Ilić, Ilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zvonar Pobirk, Alenka (Comentor)

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Med novo odkritimi zdravilnimi učinkovinami jih je kar 70 % takšnih, ki so praktično netopne v vodi. To je razlog, da se znanstveniki poslužujejo najrazličnejših pristopov za povečanje njihove topnosti, kar je predpogoj za njihovo uporabo v praksi. Eden od teh pristopov je tudi granuliranje s talinami, ki smo ga v okviru diplomske naloge izvedli v hitrovrtečem mešalniku. Glavna sestavina za uspešno izvedbo granulacije je vezivo, ki se pri povišani temperaturi stali oziroma zmehča. Vezivo mora imeti temperaturo tališča med 50 in 100 °C. Delimo jih na hidrofilna in hidrofobna. V praksi smo se osredotočili na hidrofilna, ki so primerna za izdelavo dostavnih sistemov s takojšnjim sproščanjem. Namen magistrske naloge je bil, da izboljšamo vodotopnost modelne zdravilne učinkovine karvedilola, ki po biofarmacevtski klasifikaciji zdravil spada v II. skupino. Z njegovim raztapljanjem v talini hidrofilnih veziv smo v hitrovrtečem mešalniku izdelali zrnca. Želeli smo si zrnc, ki bodo karvedilolu čim bolj povečala topnost, ob enem pa izkazovala tudi dobre pretočne lastnosti. Granulacijo smo izvedli s 6 različnimi nosilci (Avicel® PH 101, Fujicalin® SG, Neusilin® US2, Syloid® 244 FP, Syloid® XDP 3050, Aeroperl® 300) in 7 različnimi vezivi (PEG 6000, poloksamer 188, Gelucire® 48/16, Gelucire® 50/13, ter 4 sladkorni estri (SE) D-1216, D-1615, D-1616, D-1816). Najboljše pretočne lastnosti in najboljši profil sproščanja smo dosegli z zrnci, ki so bila izdelana iz nosilca Neusilin® US2 in veziva Gelucire® 50/13. Le-ta so imela boljše pretočne lastnosti od zrnc pripravljenih z Avicel® PH 101 kot nosilcem, kar je posledica predvsem oblike slednjih. Z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo namreč potrdili, da so nepravilnih oblik in z ostrimi robovi, medtem ko so zrnca izdelana iz Neusilin® US2 okrogle oblike, kompaktna in zbita, kar je razlog za dober pretočni čas in dober Carrov indeks. Pri 4 zrncih iz drugega sklopa, ki so imela 15 % dodatek sladkornega estra opazimo bolj porozno strukturo in grobo površino. Z diferenčno dinamično kalorimetrijo smo potrdili, da smo z granulacijo s talinami dosegli pretvorbo modelne učinkovine karvedilola iz kristalinične v amorfno obliko, kar je zaželeno, saj je takšna oblika bolj topna. V prihodnjih študijah bi bilo potrebno preveriti še stabilnost pripravljenega amorfa karvedilola, saj uporabljeni mezoporozni nosilci predstavljajo enega izmed uveljavljenih pristopov za stabilizacijo amorfnih oblik učinkovin.

Keywords:granuliranje s talinami, hitrovrteči mešalnik, trdne disperzije, amorf, takojšnje sproščanje, karvedilol, biofarmacevtski klasifikacijski sistem II
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129128 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2021
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Title:Hot-melt granulaton with various mesoporous carriers and binders in a high-shear mixer
Among the newly discovered active ingredients, as many as 70 % of them are practically insoluble in water. This is the reason why scientists use a variety of approaches to increase their solubility, which is needed for their use in practice. One of these approaches is also melt granulation, which we performed in a high-shear mixer as part of our research work. The main ingredient for successful granulation is binder that melts or softens at increased temperatures. The binder must have a melting point between 50 and 100 °C. They are divided into two groups: hydrophilic and hydrophobic. In our research, we focused on hydrophilic binders, which are suitable for the manufacture of immediate release delivery systems. The purpose of the Master's Thesis was to improve the water solubility of the model active ingredient carvedilol, which according to the biopharmaceutical classification system belongs to group II. In a combination with different hydrophilic binders and mesoporous carriers, we produced granules in a high-shear mixer with melt granulation. We wanted granules that would increase the solubility of carvedilol as much as possible, and at the same time show good flow properties. Granulation was performed with 6 different carriers (Avicel® PH 101, Fujicalin® SG, Neusilin® US2, Syloid® 244 FP, Syloid® XDP 3050, Aeroperl® 300) and 7 different binders (PEG 6000, poloxamer 188, Gelucire® 48/16, Gelucire® 50/13, and 4 sugar esters D-1216, D-1615, D-1616, D-1816). The best flow properties and the best release profiles were achieved with granules made using the carrier Neusilin® US2 and binder Gelucire® 50/13. These had better flow properties than granules prepared with carrier Avicel® PH 101, which is mainly due to the shape of the latter. Using a scanning electron microscope, we confirmed that they are irregular in shape and with sharp edges, while the granules made of Neusilin® US2 were round and compact, which was the reason for their good flow time and good Carr index. The granules produced using 15 % sugar ester addition, showed a more porous structure and rough surfaces. With differential scanning calorimetry we confirmed the conversion of the carvedilol from a crystalline to an amorphous form, which is desirable since such a form is more soluble. In future studies, it would be good to study the stability of the amorphous carvedilol, as the mesoporous carriers which we used in our research work represent one of the established approaches for the stabilization of amorphous forms of active ingredients.

Keywords:melt agglomeration, granulation, high-shear mixer, solid dispersions, amorphous, immediate release, carvedilol, BCS II

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