
Soočanje mladostnika s težko diagnozo : diplomsko delo
ID Janežič, Anja (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bizjak, Martina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Obdobje mladostništva je približno med 10. in 24. letom starosti. V tem obdobju se dogajajo mnoge socialne, psihološke in biološke spremembe. Doseganje razvojnih nalog, kot sta osamosvajanje in izobraževanje je lahko ovirano zaradi zahtev bolezni ter mladostnikovega spremenjenega pogleda na svet zaradi nje. V tem obdobju imajo starši še vedno pomembno vlogo, ki pa jo postopoma prevzemajo vrstniki in partnerji. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako mladostniki doživljajo težko diagnozo, vpliv le-te na njihovo življenje, kakšna je pri tem vloga staršev in s kakšnimi izzivi se spopadajo oni. Zanimala nas bo tudi obravnava mladostnikov s strani zdravstvene nege. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na deskriptivni metodi dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature. Poiskali smo jo s pomočjo DiKUL-a, mednarodnih podatkovnih baz MEDLINE in CINAHL ter z iskalnikoma PubMed in Google Učenjak. Literaturo smo iskali med februarjem in majem 2021. Vključili smo v celoti dostopne strokovne ali znanstvene članke, objavljene od leta 2011 naprej, ki obravnavajo psihološki vidik staršev in mladostnikov s težko diagnozo ter vlogo zdravstvene nege. Vključena je bila ena raziskava, starejša od deset let. Rezultati: Raziskave so pokazale, da je za kakovostno življenje in doseganje razvojnih ciljev mladostnika pomembno sprejemanje bolezni, pri čemer ima pomembno vlogo podpora staršev. Ugotovili smo, da se bolni mladostniki radi počutijo normalne, zato jih moti njihova spremenjena zunanjost, ki jim otežuje vključevanje v družbo. V zvezi z zdravstveno oskrbo smo ugotovili, da si mladostniki želijo odkritega in spoštljivega odnosa z zdravstvenimi delavci, ti naj bi jih razumeli ter upoštevali njihovo stopnjo razvoja. Razprava in zaključek: Boljše poznavanje razvojnega obdobja mladostništva bi pripomoglo h kakovostnejši obravnavi hudo bolnih mladostnikov, s čimer bi jim omogočili boljše pogoje za sprejemanje bolezni in hkrati čim bolj normalni razvoj, ki je pričakovan v tem obdobju. Bolnih mladostnikov v zdravstveni obravnavi je vedno več, zato je nujno, da jim začnemo posvečati več pozornosti tako v praksi kot v raziskovanju.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, mladostniki, težke diagnoze, starši, psihosocialni vidik, zdravstvena obravnava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Janežič]
Number of pages:27 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74098947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2021
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Title:Adolescent dealing with a bad diagnosis : diploma work
Introduction: The period of adolescence is roughly defined as between 10 and 24 years of age. Many social, psychological and biological changes take place during this period. Achieving developmental tasks such as independence and education can be hindered by the demands of the illness and the adolescent's altered worldview as a result of it. During this period, parents still play an important role, but this is gradually being taken over by peers and partners. Purpose: The purpose of the present diploma work is to present how adolescents experience a difficult diagnosis, its impact on their lives, the role of parents and the challenges they face. We will also be interested in the treatment of adolescents by health professionals. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work with a review of professional and scientific literature. We searched for it using DiKUL, the international databases Medline, CINAHL, PubMed and Google scholar. We searched the literature between February and May 2021. We included fully accessible professional and scientific articles published since 2011 that address the psychological aspects of parents and adolescents with a difficult diagnosis and the role of nursing. One survey older than 10 years was included. Results: Research has shown that acceptance of the illness is important for the quality of life and the achievement of the adolescent's developmental goals, and that parental support plays an important role in this. We have found that sick adolescents like to feel normal, so they are bothered by their altered appearance, which makes it difficult for them to integrate into society. Regarding health care, we found that adolescents want a frank and respectful relationship with health professionals, who should understand them and take into account their level of development. Discussion and conclusion: A better understanding of the developmental period of adolescence would help to improve the quality of care for seriously ill adolescents, thus enabling them to better accept their illness and to develop as normally as possible during this period. The number of sick adolescents in the care system is increasing, and it is essential that we start paying more attention to them, both in practice and in research.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, adolescents, difficult diagnoses, parents, psychosocial aspect, medical treatment

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