
Analiza postopka odmere dohodnine : diplomsko delo
ID Osolnik, Monika (Author), ID Sever, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dohodnina je glavni davek dohodkov fizičnih oseb, doseženih v posameznem koledarskem letu oziroma davčnem letu. S tem postopkom se srečuje skoraj vsak odrasel človek v svojem življenju, zato je zelo pomembno, da je razumljiv. Republika Slovenija kot pravna država (2. člen Ustave RS) mora imeti dohodninske postopke ustrezno ter učinkovito urejene, saj je to osnovni davek fizičnih oseb. Namen mojega diplomskega dela je identificirati in opozoriti na težave v zvezi s postopkom odmere dohodnine, saj so predpisi s področja dohodnine, z vidika navadnega državljana, velikokrat nejasni ter nerazumljivi. Pri analizi postopka odmere dohodnine sem uporabila številne metode, ki so mi pomagale raziskati to področje. Zbrala sem vso potrebno gradivo, ki mi je pomagalo pri pisanju dela, nato sem analizirala vse pridobljene vire, tako primarne kot sekundarne. Z metodo anketiranja sem pri 50 odraslih zaposlenih z lastnim vprašalnikom preverila, ali razumejo sam pojem dohodnine in dohodninskega postopka ter predpise v zvezi s tem postopkom. S statistično metodo sem analizirala podatke iz zadnjih treh letnih poročil Finančne uprave Republike Slovenije (za leta 2018, 2019 in 2020). S študijo primera sem analizirala izbrane primere s spletne strani Sodna praksa, ki se navezujejo na odmero dohodnine. Z diplomskim delom sem želela preučiti postopek odmere dohodnine in izpostaviti težave, ki se pojavljajo pri tem postopku. Z raziskovanjem sem odkrila, da veliko ljudi ne razume samega pojma dohodnine in ne vedo, kako sam postopek poteka. Večina ljudi si predpisov glede dohodninskega postopka ne zna razložiti in sama v tem vidim precejšno težavo.

Keywords:dohodnina, dohodninski postopek, dohodninski zavezanec, davek na dohodek, davčni sistem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Osolnik]
Number of pages:IX, 66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129059 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74757635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the personal income tax assessment procedure
Personal income tax is the main personal income tax measured in individual calendar year or the tax year. That procedure is encountered by almost every adult in their lifetime, so it is very important that it is understandable. The Republic of Slovenia, as a state governed by the rule of law (Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia), must use incoming procedures efficiently and effectively, as this is the basic tax of natural persons. The purpose of my thesis is to identify and draw attention to the problems related to personal income tax assessment procedures, as the regulations in the field of personal income tax, from the point of view of an ordinary citizen, are often unclear and incomprehensible. In analyzing the personal income tax assessment process, I used the following methods to help research this area. I gathered all the necessary material to help me write the work and then analyzed all the resources obtained, both primary and secondary. Using the survey method, I checked the understanding of the concept of personal income tax and income tax procedure and the regulations related to this procedure in 50 adult employees with my own questionnaire. With statistical method I analyzed the data from the last three annual reports of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (for 2018, 2019 in 2020). I also analyzed selected cases from the Judicial Practice website related to personal income tax assessment. With this thesis I wanted to analyze the process of personal income tax assessment and show the problems that arise in this process. Through research, I have discovered that many people do not understand the concept of personal income tax and do not know what personal income tax represents and how the process itself takes place. Most people do not understand the rules regarding the income tax procedure and I see a significant problem in that.

Keywords:personal income tax, personal income tax procedure, personal income taxpayer, income tax, tax system

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