
Urejanje zasvojenosti z alkoholom v času Covid - 19 : diplomsko delo
ID Planinšek, Manca (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala urejanje zasvojenosti z alkoholom v času epidemije covida-19. Zanimalo me je, kakšno je bilo zadovoljstvo uporabnikov društev, ki delujejo na področju zasvojenosti z alkoholom. Raziskovala sem zadovoljstvo z dostopnostjo pomoči med epidemijo, zadovoljstvo s potekom urejanja zasvojenosti med epidemijo, zadovoljstvo z on line srečanji, kako so se pri uporabnikih spreminjale težave v povezavi z zasvojenostjo zaradi izolacije in kakšni so njihovi predlogi za izboljšanje. Raziskava je kvantitativna in deskriptivna. Vzorec je neslučajnostni in priložnostni. Ugotovila sem, da so bili uporabniki z dostopnostjo pomoči med epidemijo, s potekom urejanja zasvojenosti med epidemijo in z on line srečanji v povprečju zadovoljni. Več kot polovici uporabnikov se stanje ni spremenilo, torej se ni niti poslabšalo niti izboljšalo. Pri večini anketirancev, ki so abstinirali več kot eno leto, se med epidemijo ni pojavil relapse oziroma recidiv. Uporabnikov, ki so abstinirali več kot eno leto in pri katerih se je zaradi izolacije pojavil relapse, je bilo le 1 %. Tisti, ki so bili bolj zadovoljni z dostopnostjo pomoči med epidemijo, so bili tudi bolj zadovoljni s potekom urejanja zasvojenosti med epidemijo, bili so bolj zadovoljni z on-line srečanji in stanje se jim je med epidemijo izboljšalo. Tretjina uporabnikov (30 %) je bila s preventivnimi ukrepi nezadovoljna oziroma zelo nezadovoljna. Med anketiranci, starejšimi od 60 let, je bil skoraj največji odstotek tistih, ki so bili s kakovostjo on-line srečanj zadovoljni ali zelo zadovoljni. Tisti, ki so bili bolj zadovoljni z on-line srečanji, so bili tudi bolj zadovoljni s potekom urejanja zasvojenosti med epidemijo. Uporabnikov, ki so bili nezadovoljni ali zelo nezadovoljni s kakovostjo on-line srečanj, je bilo le 18 %. V starostni skupini od 60 do 69 let se je 10 % uporabnikov stanje med epidemijo nekoliko poslabšalo, 5 % pa zelo poslabšalo (skupaj 15 %). V starostni skupini nad 70 let ni bilo nikogar, ki bi se mu stanje med epidemijo nekoliko ali zelo poslabšalo.

Keywords:zasvojenost, alkohol, urejanje, epidemija covida-19, društva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Planinšek]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (62 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129046 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83843843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Regulation of alcohol addiction during Covid - 19
I researched the regulation of alcohol addiction during the Covid 19 epidemic. I was interested in the satisfaction of users of associations working in the field of alcohol addiction. I investigated satisfaction with the availability of help during the epidemic, satisfaction with the process of regulating addiction during the epidemic, satisfaction with online meetings, how problems related to addiction changed as a result of isolation, and users' suggestions for improvement. The research is quantitative and descriptive on the non-random and convenience sample. I found that on average users were satisfied with the availability of help during the epidemic, with the course of regulation of addiction during the epidemic and with the online meetings, more than half of the users condition has not changed, that is, neither worsened nor improved, the respondents who were abstinent for more than 1 year have not experienced relapse during the epidemic, those who were more satisfied with the availability of help during the epidemic were also more satisfied with the course of addiction regulation during the epidemic, those who were more satisfied with the availability of help during the epidemic were also more satisfied with online meetings, those who were more satisfied with the availability of help improved their situation during the epidemic, one third of the users (30%) were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the prevention activities, there were only 1% users who were abstinent for more than 1 year and relapsed due to isolation, those who were more satisfied with the regulation of addiction during the epidemic, their situation improved during the epidemic, respondents over 60 years old had almost the highest percentage of those, who were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of online meetings, those who were more satisfied with online meetings were also more satisfied with the course of addiction regulation during the epidemic, there were only 18% users who were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the quality of online meetings and that in the age group 60 to under 70 years, 10% of users condition slightly deteriorated during the epidemic, and 5% strongly deteriorated (total 15%). In the age group 70 years and older, there was no one whose condition worsened slightly or very much during the epidemic.

Keywords:addiction, alcohol, regulation, epidemic covid – 19, associations

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