
Analizne metode v arheologiji
ID Kralj, Neža (Author), ID Kolar, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Arheologija je posebna disciplina, ki skuša na podlagi fizičnih ostankov človeštva razložiti in znova ustvariti pretekle dogodke. Za lažjo razlago je v uporabi tudi veliko metod analizne kemije. Poznamo tudi posebno disciplino arheometrijo, ki se ukvarja z analiznimi metodami arheoloških najdb. Glede na to kakšno informacijo o artefaktu hočemo pridobiti, delimo analizne metode na tri večje skupine: metode celostnega pristopa, ter analizne in datirne metode. Vsaka od teh metod nam o artefaktu poda drugačen podatek. Vrstični elektronski mikroskop, ki spada med metode celostnega pristopa, je bil uporabljen za izvedbo površinske analize osmih arheoloških ostankov, ki so bili najdeni na arheološkemu najdišču Cvinger pri Dolenjskih toplicah na železarsko-talilniškem območju Branževec. Za kvantitativno analizo pa je bila izbrana metoda induktivno sklopljene plazme sklopljena z masnim spektrometrom, ki spada med analizne metode arheometrije. Arheologi so pred tem že karakterizirali najdbe in z uporabo obeh metod je bilo željeno na drugačen način potrditi ali ovreči njihova predvidevanja. Vzorci so pripadali različnim delom peči, na primer steni (vzorec 1 ter vzorec 5 in 6), narejeni iz gline, kjer je bilo opaziti lomljivo oziroma drobljivo strukturo in večjo vsebnost aluminija, silicija in kisika. Vzorci tekoče žlindre (vzorci 1, 2 in 8) so imeli trdnejšo in bolj kompaktno strukturo, kjer sta prevladovala železo in kisik. Eden izmed vzorcev (vzorec 7) pa je imel poleg železa, prisoten tudi silicij in kisik, obenem pa je bil tudi bolj drobljiv in zato predstavljal lahko žlindro. Dva vzorca (vzorec 4 in 9) sta predstavljala rudo, ki je bila uporabljena za pridobitev elementarnega železa, na kar so nakazovali kotni delci različnih oblik v mikrostrukturi in prisotnost železa in kisika.

Keywords:Analizne metode, arheologija, arheometrija, vrstično elektronsko mikroskopiranje (SEM), induktivno sklopljena plazma sklopljena z masnim spektrometrom (ICP-MS).
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129032 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75158531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2021
KRALJ, Neža, 2021, Analizne metode v arheologiji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Analytical methods in archeology
Archeology is a special discipline that seeks to explain and recreate past events based on the physical remains of humanity. Many methods of analytical chemistry are also used to help identify the remains. A special discipline of archaeometry is known, which deals with analytical methods of archaeological finds. Depending on what information about the artifact we want to obtain, we divide the analytical methods into three major groups: holistic, analytical and dating methods. Each of these methods gives a different piece of information about the artifact. A scanning electron microscope, which belongs to methods of holistic approach, was used to perform a surface analysis of eight archaeological remains found at the Cvinger archaeological site near Dolenjske toplice in the Branževec iron smelting area. For quantitative analysis the method of inductively coupled plasma coupled with a mass spectrometer was chosen, which belongs to analytical methods of archaeometry. Archaeologists had previously characterized the finds, and using both methods sought to confirm or refute their predictions. The samples belonged to different parts of the furnace, such as the wall (sample 1 along with sample 5 and 6), made of clay, where a brittle structure and a higher content of aluminum, silicon and oxygen were observed. Liquid slag samples (samples 1, 2, and 8) had a firmer and more compact structure where iron and oxygen predominated. One of the samples (sample 7), contained silicon and oxygen in addition to iron, and was more brittle and therefore represented a light slag. Two samples (samples 4 and 9) represented ore used to obtain elemental iron, which had angular particles of various shapes in the microstructure and contained iron and oxygen.

Keywords:Analytical methods, archeology, archaeometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), inductively coupled plasma coupled with mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).

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