
Ilustracija in prelom slikanice za otroke z disleksijo
ID Chersicola, Pia (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil napisati, ilustrirati in oblikovati otroško slikanico, ki bi bila prilagojena bralcem z disleksijo, ter njeno primernost testirati na manjši skupini dislektičnih otrok. Pregledali smo obstoječo literaturo in raziskave na temo branja in disleksije. Zbrali smo najpogostejša priporočila, ki se nanašajo na prilagoditve besedila za dislektike, ter na podlagi teh pripravili dva različna preloma slikanice. V enem od prelomov smo prilagoditve besedila upoštevali, pri drugem pa smo se skušali približati prelomu, ki bi bil na voljo učencem v šolski knjižnici. Za slikanico smo pripravili originalne ilustracije in besedilo, ki je nastalo v sodelovanju s Pedagoško fakulteto Univerze na Primorskem. Postavili smo hipotezi, da bo tako pri eksperimentalni skupini otrok z disleksijo kot pri kontrolni skupini otrok brez disleksije branje hitrejše in kakovostnejše (tj. z manj napakami) pri prilagojenem prelomu. Preloma smo testirali na skupini osmih otrok med osmim in enajstim letom starosti, pri čemer so štirje imeli diagnozo disleksija. Preloma smo testirali ločeno, s štirinajstdnevnim premorom med različicama, da smo zmanjšali možnost vpliva pomnjenja na rezultate. Testirali smo hitrost branja, število in vrsto napak pri branju ter bralno razumevanje, ki smo ga ocenili s pomočjo vprašalnika. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da prilagoditve (povečana velikost pisave, večji praz¬en prostor med znaki, večji razmik ter manjši kontrast med besedilom in ozadjem) pozitivno vplivajo na hitrost in kakovost branja ter na bralno razumevanje otrok z disleksijo. Prav tako prilagoditve pozitivno vplivajo na branje otrok brez disleksije. Ker spremenljivk nismo obravnavali ločeno, ne moremo ugotavljati, katera ima najbolj poziti¬ven vpliv, vendar lahko na podlagi rezultatov trdimo, da nobena nima negativnega vpliva.

Keywords:branje, disleksija, otroška ilustracija, prilagoditve besedila, razumevanje besedila
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Illustration and design of a children's book for children with dyslexia
The aim of this thesis was to write, illustrate and design a children's book aimed at children with dyslexia and gauge the result on a small group of test subjects. After reviewing existing research on the topic of reading and dyslexia, we collected the most recurring guidelines regarding text preparation for dyslectic readers. Based on the collected data, we prepared two different text designs for a children's book. In one, we took the suggested text alterations into account, whereas in the other we tried to emulate the text design that would be available in a school library. We prepared original illustrations and text for the children's book, the latter in collaboration with the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska. Our two hypotheses were that both reading speed and reading accuracy (measured by the number of mistakes made while reading) would improve in the book where the guidelines were considered, in both the children with and without dyslexia. We tested both designs on a small group of eight children, of whom four had been diagnosed with dyslexia. We tested the designs separately, with a fourteen-day break between testing to minimize the impact of memory on the results. We tested reading speed, reading accuracy, and reading comprehension. The results showed that the adjustment of font size, additional empty space between letters and lines of text, and less contrast between the color of the text and that of the background all had a positive impact on reading speed, accuracy and comprehension in children with dyslexia. The adjustments also proved beneficial for the group without dyslexia. Because the variables were not tested separately, we cannot prove the positive impact they each had; we can however confirm that none had a negative impact on reading.

Keywords:children’s illustration, dyslexia, reading, text adjustments, text comprehension

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