
Etične dileme, ovire in konflikti v socialnem delu v času epidemije COVID-19 : diplomsko delo
ID Gradišnik, Ana (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Leta 2020 je bila razglašena epidemija COVID-19. Ta ukrep je skupaj s posledičnimi odredbami oblasti spremenil tok družbenega in zasebnega življenja in prinesel izzive na področju eksistenčnih, finančnih in psihosocialnih potreb in stisk, z odpravljanjem ali blaženjem katerih se ukvarja socialno delo. Delo socialnih delavk se je na podlagi ukrepov za zajezitev epidemije spremenilo in omejilo. Cilj te raziskave je raziskati etične dileme, ovire in konflikte v zvezi s socialnim delom med epidemijo COVID-19. Raziskovala sem, kako se je praksa socialnega dela spremenila, izzive, s katerimi so se socialne delavke spoprijemale, kakšne so bile pri tem njihove etične dileme, koliko podpore so bile deležne, ali so pri svojem delu zaznale kršitve človekovih pravic in kaj so spoznale na temelju teh izkušenj. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo s priročnim in neslučajnostnim vzorcem štirinajstih socialnih delavk in delavcem. Rezultati so pokazali, da je stroka socialnega dela med epidemijo doživljala mnoge preizkušnje, ki so vplivale na način opravljanja prakse. Razvile so se nekatere nove prakse, ki so lahko v prihodnosti koristne pri delu v podobnih razmerah. Veliko pa je bilo ovir. S strani krovnega ministrstva očitno ni bilo dovolj podpore. Zaradi uvajanja novih in novih sprememb, ki so zadevale način dela, in prilagajanja na vedno nove ukrepe so socialne delavke doživljale stres. Posledice nekaterih ukrepov so pri socialnih delavkah zbujale etične dileme. Začele so se spraševati, v kolikšni meri je slepo izvrševanje odredb dejansko v korist uporabnikov. Videle so stiske uporabnikov in nedelovanje sistema pomoči v državi, pa tudi kršitve človekovih pravic, ki so se dogajale. Odkrile pa so tudi skrivno moč, ki jo prinašata skupnostno delo in kolektivna akcija po sili razmer. Prevladujoče spoznanje je, da bi se pred odločanjem o ukrepih in navodilih za delo na določenih področjih odločevalci morali posvetovati z ljudmi iz stroke na zadevnem polju.

Keywords:etika, kršitve človekovih pravic, podpora, spremembe v praksi, moralni stres
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gradišnik]
Number of pages:237 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128980 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82389507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Ethical Dilemmas, Obstacles and Conflicts in Social Work during COVID-19 Epidemic
In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic was declared. This changed the course of life and brought challenges in the field of existential, financial and psychosocial needs of the population – the very needs which social work deals with. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus have influenced the way social workers do their work. The aim of this research is to explore ethical dilemmas, obstacles, and conflicts related to social work during the COVID-19 epidemic. I tried to research in which ways the practice of social work had changed, the challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by social workers, the support they received, whether they perceived human rights violations within their work, as well as what they had learned from the experience. I carried out a qualitative study with a handy and non-random sample of fourteen social workers. The results show that the social work as a profession has been experiencing many trials during the epidemic and that these problems are affecting the way the practice is being done. Some new practices have been developed that may be useful for the future. But there were many obstacles. There was clearly not enough support from the ministry in charge. Due to frequently changing decrees demanding changes in working methods, social workers were under constant stress. The consequences of some of the measures were causing ethical dilemmas in ranks of social workers. They began to question the extent to which blindly following the orders was actually beneficial for users of their services. They saw and realized the plight of users in face of inoperable social help in the country, as well as the human rights violations. But on the other hand, they discovered the secret power that community work and collective action in circumstances of necessity tend to bring out. The prevailing realization is that before taking decisions about measures and instructions for specific professions, decision-makers should consult with professional workers in the field.

Keywords:ethics, human rights violations, support, changes in social work practice, moral stress

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