
Uporaba slovenskega prevoda strukturiranega intervjuja za ocenjevanje motorične aktivnosti zgornje ekstremitete : diplomsko delo
ID Lenart, Manca (Author), ID Gričar, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jeglič, Tatjana (Comentor), ID Mekiš, Nejc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Možganska kap je nenaden dogodek, ko pride do motnje pri oskrbi možganov s kisikom. Zaradi pogoste posledice kapi kot je zmanjšana funkcija zgornjega uda, je pomembno vključevati terapevtske pristope, ki spodbujajo čim večjo uporabo bolj prizadetega zgornjega uda, ter metode, ki spodbujajo pravilne vzorce gibanja. Ena izmed učinkovitih terapij za izboljšanje na tem področju je z omejevanjem gibanja spodbujajoča terapija. Znotraj te terapije se uporablja ocenjevalni instrument, ki vrednoti spontano in realno uporabo bolj prizadete roke v domačem okolju; to je Strukturiran intervju za ocenjevanje motorične aktivnosti zgornje ekstremitete. Namen: V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna je razumljivost in zanesljivost slovenskega prevoda Strukturiranega intervjuja za ocenjevanje motorične aktivnosti zgornje ekstremitete in kakšne so njegove psihometrične lastnosti. Namen je bil, da ocenjevalni instrument iz originalnega angleškega jezika prevedemo v slovenski jezik, ga prilagodimo za slovensko kulturno območje ter ga pripravimo na uporabo. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna raziskava. Intervju vsebuje 30 aktivnosti. Posameznik oceni realno uporabo bolj prizadete roke pri vseh aktivnostih po količinski lestvici in kakovostni lestvici. Oceni se od 0 (popolna neuporaba bolj prizadete roke) do 5 (enaka uporaba bolj prizadete roke kot pred kapjo), in sicer do polovice točke natančno. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih deset oseb po možganski kapi. Vsaka oseba je bila ocenjena s strani šestih ocenjevalcev (delovni terapevti in fizioterapevti). Rezultate smo analizirali v programu SPSS. Skladnost med ocenjevalci je bila preverjena s koeficientom intraklasne korelacije (ICC). Notranjo skladnost slovenskega prevoda smo izračunali s Cronbach ? koeficientom. Rezultati: Zanesljivost med ocenjevalci je odlična (ICC=0,996). Rezultati ICC med posameznimi ocenjevalci variirajo od 0,978 do 0,997, kar predstavlja visoko zanesljivost. Notranja skladnost slovenskega prevoda je visoka (?=0,935-0,978). Razprava in zaključek: Prevoda Strukturiranega intervjuja za ocenjevanje motorične aktivnosti zgornje ekstremitete smo se lotili, saj smo ga želeli približati tako delovnim terapevtom kot tudi drugim strokovnim delavcem na področju rehabilitacije na nevrološkem področju. Ocenjevanje s slovenskim prevodom bo sedaj potekalo hitreje, saj je ocenjevalni instrument enostaven, priročen in dobro razumljiv. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na uporabnost prevoda ocenjevalnega instrumenta v vsakdanji praksi, čeprav bi bilo v prihodnje smiselno narediti raziskavo na večjem vzorcu.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, osebe po možganski kapi, psihometrične lastnosti, delovna terapija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Lenart]
Number of pages:26-29 str., [12] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128782 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71819011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The use of a Slovenian translation of the Motor activity log : diploma work
Introduction: A stroke is a sudden event caused by a disturbance in the supply of oxygen to the brain. One of common consequences of stroke is upper limb impairment, therefore therapeutic approaches used, encourage the use of affected upper limb togehther with other methods promoting proper movement patterns. One of the most efficient types of therapy in this field is a Constraint-induced movement therapy. An assessment Motor activity log has been developed to measure spontaneous and realistic use of the affected upper limb while applying this type of therapy. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work was to determine the comprehension and reliability of the Slovene translation of the Motor activity log and define its psychometric characteristics. The aim was to translate the original questionnaire from English to Slovene, adapt it to our culture and prepare it for practical use. Methods: We used the quantitative research which consisted of six therapists (occupational therapists and physiotherapists) and ten participants who have previously experienced a stroke. The questionnaire consists of 30 activities. The individual assesses the realistic use of the affected arm according to the how much and how well scales during every activity. The assessment ranges from 0 (total uselessness of the affected arm) to 5 (same usage of the affected arm as before the stroke), accurate to half a point. The results were analysed in the SPSS programme. The consistency of the assessors was examined with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The inner consistency of the Slovene translation was calculated with the Cronbach α coefficient. Results: The reliability between the assessors is excellent (ICC=0.996). The ICC results vary from 0.978 to 0.997 according to each individual assessor, which guarantees high reliability. The inner consistency of the Slovene translation was also high (α=0,935-0,978). Discussion and conclusion: The aim of Slovenian translation of Motor activity log was to enable grater accessibility and use by occupational therapists and other health workers involved in neurological rehabilitation. Assessment with the Slovene translation will now be done much faster, as the instrument is simple, useful, and easily understandable. The results of our research display the usefulness of the translation of the assessment instrument in every-day practice, although it would be sensible to conduct another research with a bigger sample in the future.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, stroke survivors, psychometric characteristics, occupational therapy

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