
Politična misel v beletristiki Ivana Cankarja : magistrsko delo
ID Panič Nardin, Natali (Author), ID Lukšič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujemo politično misel v delu, predvsem beletristiki, Ivana Cankarja. Najprej razlagamo odnos med umetnostjo in družbeno-političnim ter produkcijo političnih idej skozi medij umetnosti. Pri tem se naslonimo na Habermasov koncept literarne javnosti. Ker beletristiko Ivana Cankarja razumemo kot duh nekega časa, kot produkcijo znotraj določenih zgodovinskih in družbenih okvirov, predstavimo zgodovinsko obdobje, ki je ustvarjalo okoliščine Cankarjevega ustvarja. Teorijo modernizacijskih procesov podkrepimo s teorijo družbenih cepitev in skozi obravnavano teorijo razlagamo dotične družbene cepitve na Slovenskem. Obenem se osredotočamo na konstrukcijo doktrin in tvorjenje prvih političnih strank na Slovenskem. Namen Cankarjevega dela prepoznamo v poskusu preseganja takratnih ustaljenih družbenih okvirov in norm. Potem ko razložimo Cankarjeve nazore skozi njegova publicistična dela (spise in predavanja), se pomaknemo h konkretni analizi treh dram. Pohujšanje v dolini šentflorjanski, Za narodov blagor in Hlapci so dela podvržena naši analizi. Pri tem ugotavljamo povezavo izraženega s takrat uveljavljenimi miselno-ideološkimi tokovi in izpostavimo družbeno pravičnost kot bistven element v razumevanju politične misli v beletristiki Ivana Cankarja.

Keywords:Ivan Cankar, beletristika, politična misel, umetnost, družbena pravičnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Panič Nardin N.]
Number of pages:85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128661 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:73804547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Political Thought in Ivan Cankar's Belles-lettres
In the master's thesis we explore the political thought in the work, especially fiction, of Ivan Cankar. We first explain the relationship between art and socio-political and the production of political ideas through the medium of art, drawing on Habermas' concept of the literary public. Since we understand Ivan Cankar's fiction as the spirit of a certain time, as a production within certain historical and social frameworks, we present the historical period that created the circumstances of Cankar's work. The theory of modernization processes is supported by the theory of social divisions and through the discussed theory we explain the respective social divisions in Slovenia. At the same time, we focus on the construction of doctrines and the formation of the first political parties in Slovenia. The purpose of Cankar's work is recognized in the attempt to transcend the then established social frameworks and norms. After explaining Cankar's views through his publicist works (writings and lectures), we move on to a concrete analysis of the three plays. The Destruction in the Valley of St. Florian, For the Blessing of Nations and Slaves, the works are subject to our analysis. In doing so, we establish the connection of what is expressed with the then established ideological and ideological currents and point out social justice as an essential element in the understanding of political thought in Ivan Cankar's fiction.

Keywords:Ivan Cankar, beletristika, politična misel, umetnost, družbena pravičnost

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