
Zadovoljstvo staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami s storitvami zgodnje obravnave v razvojni ambulanti s centrom za zgodnjo obravnavo otrok Posavje
ID Krajnc, Marija (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zgodnje otroštvo predstavlja ključen čas v razvoju vsakega otroka, saj gre za obdobje pridobivanja pomembnih zgodnjih izkušenj, ki vplivajo na številna področja razvoja. Zgodnja obravnava (v nadaljevanju ZO) predšolskim otrokom s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju OPP) zagotavlja ustrezno multidisciplinarno strokovno pomoč. Otroka spodbuja na različnih področjih in s tem prispeva k zmanjšanju kognitivnih, čustvenih, socialnih in motoričnih ovir pred vstopom v šolsko okolje. Pomembno je, da smo v tem procesu usmerjeni tudi na družino otroka in ji zagotovimo ustrezno medicinsko, psihološko in specialno-pedagoško pomoč. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri se starši čutijo aktivno vključene v storitve ZO znotraj Razvojne ambulante s Centrom za ZO otrok Posavje in v kolikšni meri te odražajo njihovo dejansko vključenost med vsemi aktivnostmi, ki se kakorkoli povezujejo z otrokom in družino. Podrobneje nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri so bili zadovoljni z izmenjavo informacij glede otrokovega razvojnega stanja, kakšna je njihova splošna ozaveščenost o ZO, kakšne so njihove možnosti aktivnega sodelovanja v času pridobivanja ocene otroka, timskih sestankov, kako so zadovoljni z obravnavami ter kje vidijo ključne prednosti in pomanjkljivosti vključenosti v ZO. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 49 staršev. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo nestanardiziranega anketnega vprašalnika. Uporabili smo kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da imajo starši v splošnem z Razvojno ambulanto Krško zelo dobre izkušnje in se čutijo vključene v različne aktivnosti znotraj ZO (pridobivanje ocene otrokovega razvoja, občutek enakovrednosti v vlogi s strokovnjaki, upoštevanje njihovega mnenja). Pozitivne izkušnje so izpostavili tudi na področju podajanja informacij o funkcioniranju otroka, saj so jim te bile podane jasno in razumljivo. Več informacij bi si želeli glede ustanov oz. organizacij, na katere se lahko obrnejo izven razvojne ambulante, ter praktičnih izobraževanj kjer bi dobili jasne informacije, kako delati z otrokom doma (vsakodnevne aktivnosti, rokovanje, itd.). Ugotovili smo, da obstaja statistično pomembna soodvisnost med višjo stopnjo izobrazbe staršev in udeleženostjo na dodatnem izobraževanju glede težav otroka. S številom ponujenih obravnav so v večini zadovoljni, nekateri starši so kot slabost izpostavili, da so spremenjeni pogoji dela zaradi epidemije močno zaznamovali pogostost obiskovanja obravnav in s tem povzročili manjši napredek otroka. Ključno prednost vključenosti v ZO vidijo predvsem v večjem napredku otroka in dostopnosti strokovnjakov. Kot pomanjkljivost so nekateri starši navedli pomanjkljivo podajanje napotkov za delo z otrokom doma. Med raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je polovica staršev bila deležna določene psihosocialne pomoči in podpore ob vključenosti v ZO, druga polovica pa ne. Enakovredno vključevanje strokovnjakov iz različnih strok ocenjujejo pozitivno in opažajo velik doprinos pri podajanju ocene funkcioniranja otroka iz več različnih vidikov. Vsi razen enega starša med strokovnjaki multidisciplinarnega tima v RA Krško ne vidijo razhajanj pri podajanju napotkov. Ugotovili smo, da nekateri starši dodatno obiskujejo tudi samoplačniške obravnave in da jih določen delež namerava obiskovati tudi v prihodnosti. Splošna ozaveščenost staršev o programu ZO je v splošnem dobra. Vedo, kakšen je glavni namen ZO in razumejo multidisciplinarni pristop. Z magistrskim delom smo veliko doprinesli k delu stroke znotraj Centra za ZO otrok Posavje.

Keywords:zgodnja obravnava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128631 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70956035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Satisfaction of parents of special needs children with early treatment services in the development clinic with the posavje centre for early childhood care
Early childhood is a crucial time in the development of every child, as it is a period of acquiring vital early experiences that affect many areas of development. Early intervention (hereinafter referred to as EI) provides multidisciplinary professional assistance to pre-school children with special needs (hereinafter PCSN). It encourages the child in multiple learning areas, thus contributing to reducing cognitive, emotional, social, and motor barriers before entering the school environment. It is important that during this process we also focus on the child's family and provide them with appropriate medical, psychological and special pedagogical assistance. The master's thesis aimed to use a questionnaire to determine the extent to which parents feel they are actively involved in the EI services within the Developmental Disabilities Dispensary in the Posavje Child Health Center for EI and to what extent they reflect their involvement during all activities which are in any way related to their children and family. We were interested in more detail to what extent they were satisfied with the exchange of information on the child's developmental status, what was their general awareness of EI, what are their opportunities for active participation during the child's assessment, team meetings, how satisfied they are with treatment and where they see the key advantages and disadvantages of EI involvement. 49 parents participated in the study. Data were obtained using a non-standardized questionnaire. We used a quantitative research approach. Through the research, we discovered that parents generally have very good experience with the Krško Developmental Clinic and feel included during various activities within EI (obtaining an assessment of the child's development, a sense of equality in the role with experts, considering their opinion). Positive experiences were also mentioned in providing information on the functioning of the child who was given to them clearly and understandably. They would like more information about the institutions or organizations that they could contact outside the Krško Developmental Clinic and practical training, where they would also get clear information on how to work with the child at home (daily activities, handling, etc.). We found that there is a statistically significant interdependence between different levels of parents' education concerning the participation in additional education regarding the child's problems. Parents are mostly satisfied with the number of offered treatments. Some pointed out the disadvantage that due to the epidemic, the changed working conditions have strongly marked the frequency of EI and thus signified lesser progress of the child. They see the key advantage of EI in the greater progress of the child and accessibility of professionals. As a shortcoming, some parents pointed out the lack of guidance on how to work at home. During the research, we found that half of the parents received some psychosocial help and support during EI, while the other half did not. The equal involvement of experts from different disciplines is positively approved and seen as a great contribution in assessing the child's functioning from several different aspects. All but one parent do not see any differences between the experts of the multidisciplinary team in Krško Developmental Clinic in giving instructions. We found that some parents additionally pay for private treatments and that a certain proportion of them intend to do so in the future as well. Overall, the parental awareness of the EI program is generally good. They recognize what the main purpose of EI is and recognize its multidisciplinary approach. With our master's thesis, we have contributed a great portion to the scientific progress of the profession within the Posavje Child Health Center for EI.

Keywords:early treatment

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