
Analiza glasnosti med izvajanjem vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela v vrtcu
ID Vovk, Maksimiljan (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu proučujemo pojav hrupa med vzgojno-izobraževalnim delom v vrtcu in njegov vpliv na sluh vzgojiteljev. V raziskavo smo vključili 5 skupin otrok 1. starostnega obdobja in 5 skupin otrok 2. starostnega obdobja ter 15 vzgojiteljev Vrtca Kočevje. Na vzorcu smo preverjali, kolikšna jakost hrupa se pojavlja med različnimi dejavnostmi v skupinah 1. in 2. starostnega obdobja. Jakost hrupa smo merili med različnimi dejavnostmi – rutinske dejavnosti (zajtrk, malica, kosilo, počitek), vodene dejavnosti in spontana igra otrok, in sicer prvi teden v skupinah 1. starostnega obdobja, drugi teden pa v skupinah 2. starostnega obdobja. Ugotavljali smo tudi mnenje vzgojiteljev o hrupu med vzgojno-izobraževalnim delom v vrtcu in merili njihov sluh. Mnenje vzgojiteljev smo pridobili preko anketnega vprašalnika, meritve sluha smo izvedli z mobilno aplikacijo Fowler-Sabine. Z analizo smo ugotovili, da se najvišja jakost hrupa v skupinah otrok 1. starostnega obdobja pojavlja med vodeno dejavnostjo in znaša 81,20 dB(A), medtem ko pa se v skupinah otrok 2. starostnega obdobja pojavlja med spontano igro otrok in znaša 89,80 dB(A). Meritve jakosti hrupa so prav tako pokazale, da so otroci v skupinah 2. starostnega obdobja glasnejši tekom večine dejavnosti od otrok v skupinah 1. starostnega obdobja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da pri večini vzgojiteljev ne glede na delovno dobo in starost ni večjih odstopanj v poslabšanju sluha oziroma ima večina prag slušne občutljivosti do največ 13 dB, kar pomeni, da imajo po klasifikaciji naglušnosti normalen sluh.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128562 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70631171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of noise production during educational work in kindergarten
The diploma thesis examines the occurrence of noise during educational work in kindergarten, and its impact on preschool teachers' hearing. The study involved 5 groups of children from the 1st age bracket and 5 groups of children from the 2nd age bracket, and 15 teachers at the kindergarten Vrtec Kočevje. The sample was used to examine the noise level that occurs during various activities in groups of the 1st and 2nd age bracket. The noise level was measured during different activities – routine activities (breakfast, snack, lunch, rest), guided activities, and the children's spontaneous play, namely during the first week in groups of the 1st age bracket, and during the following week in groups of the 2nd age bracket. The study also aimed to determine what teachers think about noise during educational work in kindergarten, and their hearing was tested. The teachers' opinions were obtained by means of a survey questionnaire, while the hearing tests were carried out using the Fowler-Sabine mobile application. The analysis has determined that the highest noise level in groups of children from the 1st age bracket occurs during guided activities and amounts to 81.20 dB(A), while in groups of children from the 2nd age bracket it occurs during the children's spontaneous play and amounts to 89.80 dB(A). The noise level measurements have also shown that children from the 2nd age bracket groups are louder during most activities than the children from the 1st age bracket groups. It has also been established that there are no major deviations in hearing deterioration in most preschool teachers based on their length of service and age; most of them have a hearing threshold of up to 13 dB, which means that they have normal hearing according to the hearing loss classification.


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