There are several open issues regarding legal relationships between the subcontractor, the investor and the main contractor. Opinions on some of these issues are divided. Many of the issues regard the regulation of the claim for direct payment from the investor to the subcontractor, regarding which the case-law has additionally shaped the conditions required for a successful claim. The most debatable condition is the connectedness of debts. The range in which the claim will be paid can be dependent on the determination of the costs in the contract. In accordance with the case-law, the beginning of bankruptcy proceedings for the main contractor does not have any negative effect for the subcontractor's chance of direct payment. The issues also refer to questions of liability in the legal relationships with the subcontractor. The main contractor will have difficulties excluding his liability for the work done by the subcontractor. On the other hand, the investor is liable directly to the subcontractor, if he was aware of certain facts, in case he refuses to realize a bank guarantee and in case he pays his debt for the work done, to the transferee of the main contractor and not to the subcontractor when he demanded such payment.