
Vpliv toplotnih obdelav na mikrostrukturo in mehanske lastnosti SLM izdelkov iz maraging jekla : magistrsko delo
ID Štucin, Jan (Author), ID Bizjak, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dodajne (aditivne) tehnologije oz. 3D tisk je proces izdelave, ki temelji na dodajanju materiala sloj za slojem in predstavlja nov način izdelave strojnih oz. konstrukcijskih elementov. Omogoča nam izdelavo zapletenih geometrij, ki jih ni mogoče izdelati s tradicionalnimi obdelovalnimi postopki. Za izdelavo vzorcev smo uporabili metodo selektivnega laserskega pretaljevanja kovinskih prahov (ang. SLM – selective laser melting). SLM se med drugim uporablja tudi v orodjarstvu pri izdelavi orodij za tlačno litje aluminijevih zlitin, saj nam omogoča izdelavo komponent orodij s kanali za uravnavanje temperature, ki se prilagajajo zunanji površini (konformna oblika). S tem dosežemo optimalno temperaturo orodja, kar močno vpliva na življenjsko dobo orodja kot tudi na sam proces tlačnega litja (poroznost ulitka, vroče točke, dolžina cikla litja, možnost litja zahtevnejših ulitkov, znižanje izmeta, manjša poraba maziv itd.). Zaradi krajših časov izdelav in nižjih stroškov posameznih komponent orodij se vse pogosteje uporablja tudi hibridna izdelava, kjer se na tradicionalno izdelani del orodja (osnovo) izdela še SLM-del, ki vsebuje kanale s konformno obliko. Tradicionalno izdelan del orodja je običajno iz orodnega jekla z drugačno kemijsko sestavo in mehanskimi ter fizikalnimi lastnostmi, zato je izbira ustrezne toplotne obdelave za zagotovitev ustreznih mehanskih lastnosti celotne komponente in kakovosti spoja zelo zahtevna. V okviru magistrskega dela smo izdelali SLM in hibridne vzorce iz maraging jekla v obliki kovinskega prahu z oznako MS1 (EOS GmbH) ter analizirali vpliv toplotnih obdelav na mikrostrukturo in mehanske lastnosti vzorcev. Glavni cilj je bil poiskati optimalno toplotno obdelavo SLM-vzorcev in optimalni material osnove ter toplotno obdelavo za hibridne vzorce. Eksperimentalni del je bil sestavljen iz dveh sklopov. V prvem sklopu smo vzorce v celoti izdelali s SLM, v drugem sklopu pa smo vzorce izdelali hibridno z osnovami iz orodnega jekla 1.2343 in maraging jekla Böhler W720. Sledile so toplotne obdelave vzorcev, sestavljene iz raztopnega žarjenja in/ali staranja na različnih temperaturah in pri različnih časih zadrževanja. Po zaključku toplotnih obdelav smo vzorce še mehansko obdelali, saj so bili izdelani z dodatkom materiala, ker smo se želeli čim bolj približati postopkom izdelave komponent orodij za tlačno litje, s katerimi je povezana ta naloga. Sledila je karakterizacija vzorcev, kjer smo uporabili metode, kot so natezni preizkus, preizkus udarne žilavosti po Charpyju, meritve trdote po Vickersu in Rockwellu, svetlobna ter elektronska mikroskopija (SEM, TEM), energijska disperzijska spektrometrija rentgenskih žarkov (EDXS) in EBSD-analiza. Določili smo tudi velikostno porazdelitev delcev prahu MS1.

Keywords:selektivno lasersko pretaljevanje, 3D tisk, maraging jeklo, hibridna izdelava, orodno jeklo, toplotne obdelave, mikrostruktura, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Štucin]
Number of pages:XIII, 107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128519 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71782403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2021
ŠTUCIN, Jan, 2021, Vpliv toplotnih obdelav na mikrostrukturo in mehanske lastnosti SLM izdelkov iz maraging jekla : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Štucin. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the SLM products from maraging steel : master's thesis
Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is a manufacturing process that is based on adding material layer by layer and represents a new way of manufacturing machine or structural elements. In this work, selective laser melting (SLM) was used to produce the samples. Among other things, SLM is also used in tooling for the production of die casting tools. SLM allows us to manufacture tool components with conformal cooling that enables optimal tool temperature, which greatly affect the tool life as well as the die casting process (porosity, hot spots, cycle time, possibility of casting more demanding castings, scrap, lubricant consumption etc.). With the aim of shorter production times and lower costs of individual tool components, hybrid production is often used. Hybrid components are made of the traditionally produced lower part of the tool component (base) and the upper SLM part, which contains conformal channels. The traditionally produced tool component part is usually made of tool steel with a different chemical composition, mechanical properties and physical properties. Therefore, the selection of the appropriate heat treatment to ensure adequate mechanical properties of the entire tool component and adequate joint quality is very difficult. SLM and hybrid samples were produced using the maraging steel powder MS1 (EOS GmbH). The influence of heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the samples were analyzed. The main goal was to find the optimal heat treatment of the SLM samples and the optimal base material and heat treatment for hybrid samples. The experimental work consisted of two parts. In the first part the samples were produced entirely with SLM, in the second part the samples were produced hybridly with base materials from tool steel 1.2343 and maraging steel Böhler W720. The samples undergo different heat treatments, consisting of solution annealing and/or aging at different temperatures and different holding times. After heat treatments, the samples were machined, as they were produced with addition of material, because we wanted to get as close as possible to the process of making the die-casting tool components, to which this work relates. This was followed by the sample characterization, where we used methods such as tensile test, Charpy impact toughness test, Vickers and Rockwell hardness measurements, light and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), X-ray energy dispersion spectrometry (EDXS) and EBSD analysis. The particle size distribution of MS1 metal powder was also determined.

Keywords:selective laser melting, 3D printing, maraging steel, hybrid production, tool steel, heat treatments, microstructure, mechanical properties

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