
Deutsche Phraseme mit Bezeichnungen für Obst und Gemüse und ihre Entsprechungen im Slowenischen
ID Kenda, Ajda (Author), ID Valenčič Arh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema diplomske naloge je primerjava 44 nemških frazemov s poimenovanjem sadja in zelenjave z njihovimi slovenskimi ustrezniki. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil poiskati razlike in podobnosti med frazemi v obeh jezikih in določiti ekvivalenčna razmerja med njimi. Izbranim nemškim frazemom iz nemških frazeoloških slovarjev sem skušala najti slovenske ustreznice iz Slovarja slovenskih frazemov in Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Frazeme in njihove ekvivalente sem med seboj primerjala glede na njihove sestavine in pomen. Glede na stopnjo ekvivalence sem frazeme razdelila v štiri skupine: popolna, delna, nadomestna in ničta ekvivalenca. Predvidela sem, da bo največ frazemov sodilo v skupino nadomestne ekvivalence, saj imata slovenski in nemški jezik dolgo obdobje skupne zgodovine, a vendar sodita v dve različni jezikovni skupini. Največ frazemov je bilo razvrščenih v skupino nadomestne ekvivalence, najmanj pa v skupino popolne ekvivalence, iz česar je razvidno, da se nemški in slovenski jezik precej razlikujeta, a imata kljub vsemu nekaj skupnih točk.

Keywords:nemščina, slovenščina, frazeologija, frazemi, kontrastivna analiza, sadje, zelenjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128507 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70711555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:German Phraseological Units with Names of Fruit and Vegetables and Their Equivalents in Slovene
The subject of this thesis is contrastive analysis of phraseological units, more specific of 44 German phraseological units with names of fruit and vegetables in comparison with their equivalents in Slovenian language. The aim of this thesis was to find differences and similarities between these phraseological units in both languages and to determine the equivalent proportion between them. German phraseological units have been selected from different German phraseological dictionaries and suitable Slovenian equivalents have been found in dictionaries Slovar slovenskih frazemov or in Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Phraseological units in both languages have been compared in both their structure and meaning. Considering different levels of equivalence, phraseological units and their equivalents are divided into four groups: the first group consists of those phraseological units that have a perfect equivalent in Slovenian language according to their structure and meaning. Second group is partial equivalence, third is zero equivalence and in the fourth group belong German phraseological units and their suitable substitutes in Slovenian language. Because German and Slovenian language have had a long period of common history, but then on the other hand because of their belonging into different language groups, I predicted that most of the selected phraseological units will have a suitable substitute in Slovenian language. Most of the phraseological units belong to the predicted group and the least of them are fully equivalent. From that it is clear that Slovenian and German language are quite different, but they also have some common points.

Keywords:German language, Slovenian language, phraseology, phraseological units, contrastive analysis, fruit, vegetables

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