
Določitev tlačno-deformacijske karakteristike mehkega pnevmatskega prijemala
ID Noč, Špela (Author), ID Brojan, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru naloge smo izdelali in analizirali robotski prst narejen po vzorcu PneuNet robotskih aktuatorjev. Področje mehke robotike je hitro razvijajoče se podpodročje splošne robotike. Navdihuje ga narava, ki nam vsak dan dokazuje, da lahko z mehkimi strukturami dosežemo visoko natančnost, hitro aktivacijo in gibanje ter precizno oprijemanje tudi najbolj delikatnih objektov. Zaradi nerodnosti togih, trdnih robotov, so trdni roboti, bolj kot ne, nevarni za delo z ljudmi, kar z mehkimi roboti kmalu ne bo več problem. Osredotočili smo se na merjenje upogiba aktuatorja in njegove odvisnosti od nadtlaka apliciranega v votline aktuatorja. Meritve smo večkrat ponovili, nato pa jih obdelali s pomočjo različnih programskih orodij. Opravljena je bila analiza za določitev razmerja med apliciranem nadtlakom in ukrivljenostjo aktuatorja.

Keywords:mehka robotika, mehki strukturni elementi, pnevmatska aktuacija, 3D tisk, navdihnjeno iz narave, teorija velikih premikov
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Noč]
Number of pages:X, 29 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128490 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:72882691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2021
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Title:Determination of the pressure-deformation characteristic of a soft pneumatic gripper
In this work we analysed a robotic finger based on PneuNet actuators. The area of soft robotics is a highly developing subarea of robotics in general. It is inspired by nature, which proves to us everyday, that with soft tissue we can do anything, including high adaptibility, fast activation of movement, precise hold of even the most delicate items and high precision in general. Due to rigid links and joints and not very precise movement, hard robots are unsafe for work with humans. With soft robotics this should not be much of a problem anymore. We focused on measuring of bending of the actuator and its dependence on the applied pressure into the chambers of the actuator. The measurements were repeated several times and the results were analysed using various software tools. The analysis was preformed to determine the relationship between applied pressure and curvature of the actuator.

Keywords:soft robotics, soft structural elements, pneumatic actuation, 3D printing, inspired by nature, large deformation theory

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