
Uporaba transgenih rastlin za sintezo veterinarskih cepiv
ID Kink, Zala (Author), ID Luthar, Zlata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskave na področju sinteze aktivnih sestavin za cepiva s transgenimi rastlinami intenzivno potekajo že več kot 20 let, saj imajo takšna cepiva v primerjavi s klasičnimi in tradicionalnimi komponentnimi cepivi veliko prednosti. Te vključujejo nižjo ceno, večjo varnost ter enostavnejše shranjevanje. Na področju veterinarskih cepiv je razvoj v zadnjem času usmerjen predvsem v razvoj oralnih cepiv, saj bi ta omogočila veliko enostavnejšo imunizacijo živali, predvsem v živinorejski panogi. Za transformacijo rastlin se najpogosteje uporablja jedrna transformacija, redkeje pa tudi kloroplastna transformacija in viralni ekspresijski sistemi. Najpogostejše ekspresijske platforme so in vitro kulture ter semena žit in stročnic. Uporablja se tudi nekatere sadne rastline, zelenjadnice in krmne rastline. Večina raziskav se osredotoča na razvoj cepiv proti virusnim živalskim boleznim, kot so steklina, parvovirus, goveja virusna diareja, atipična kokošja kuga ter ptičja in prašičja gripa. Kljub zelo spodbudnim rezultatom določenih študij še nobeno veterinarsko cepivo iz transgenih rastlin ni komercialno dostopno. Z razvojem novih tehnik, ki zmanjšujejo potencialna tveganja uporabe takšnih cepiv, in pripravljenostjo regulatornih organov sprejeti cepiva, pridobljena iz transgenih rastlin, se vedno bolj približujemo svetlejši prihodnosti na področju nadzora nad živalskimi boleznimi.

Keywords:biotehnologija, transgene rastline, sinteza, aktivne sestavine, veterinarska cepiva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Kink]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128449 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70025987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Use of transgenic plants for veterinary vaccine synthesis
Studies in the field of active ingredient synthesis for transgenic plant vaccines have been ongoing for more than 20 years, because of the many advantages of plant-made vaccines in comparison to classical and traditional component vaccines. These include lower cost, increased safety and easier storage. In the field of veterinary vaccines, recently the focus has mainly been on the development of oral vaccines, which would enable a much easier immunization of animals, particularly in the livestock industry. Nuclear transformation is the most commonly used transformation method for plants, chloroplast transformation and viral expression systems are also used, but less frequently. The most common expression platforms are in vitro cultures, as well as cereal and legume seeds. Certain fruit plants, vegetables and fodder crops are also used. The majority of studies is focused on developing vaccines against viral animal diseases, such as rabies, parvovirus, bovine viral diarrhea, Newcastle disease, avian flu and swine flu. Despite very incentive results of some studies, no veterinary transgenic plant vaccine is as of yet commercially available. With the development of new techniques that reduce the potential risks of using such vaccines and willingness of regulatory agencies to accept transgenic plant vaccines, we are approaching a brighter future regarding animal disease control.

Keywords:biotechnology, transgenic plants, synthesis, active ingredients, veterinary vaccines

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