
Artemizinin kot zdravilo proti malariji
ID Mezgec Mrzlikar, Nina (Author), ID Sepčić, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Malarija je nalezljiva tropska bolezen, ki predstavlja veliko težavo za prebivalce na področju subsaharske Afrike in jugovzhodne Azije. Povzroča jo okužba s parazitom Plasmodium sp. Prvotno so za zdravljenje malarije uporabljali kinin, alkaloid ekstrahiran iz lubja drevesa kininovca, za tem pa ga je nadomestil sintetični klorokin. Zaradi dolgotrajne prekomerne uporabe, je plazmodij na obstoječe antimalarike razvil rezistenco in pojavila se je potreba po novem protimalarijskem zdravilu. V sklopu kitajskega nacionalnega programa je skupina raziskovalcev leta 1972 odkrila zdravilno učinkovino artemizinin, naravno prisotno v tradicionalnem kitajskem zelišču Artemisia annua. Po strukturi je seskviterpenoidni lakton, za katerega je značilen endoperoksidni mostiček v notranjosti molekule. Točen mehanizem delovanja artemizinina še ni raziskan, znano pa je, da je za protimalarijsko delovanje najprej potrebna aktivacija artemizinina, ki vodi v sproščanje toksičnih radikalov in poškodbe plazmodija. Artemizinin se pridobiva s pomočjo transgenih rastlin ali z uporabo mikrobnih heterolognih sistemov, predvsem z bakterijo Escherichia coli ali kvasovko Streptomyces cerevisiae. Danes se artemizinin in njegove derivate za zdravljenje malarije najpogosteje uporablja v sklopu kombinirane terapije na osnovi artemizinina. Ugodni vplivi artemizinina in njegovih derivatov se kažejo tudi v protirakavem, protivirusnem, protibakterijskem in protiglivnem delovanju.

Keywords:Artemisia annua, artemizinin, kinin, klorokin, malarija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Mezgec Mrzlikar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128448 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70112771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Artemisinin as a treatment for malaria
Malaria is an infectious tropical disease, causing various problems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. It is caused by an infection with the parasite Plasmodium sp. Quinine, an alkaloid extracted from the cinchona bark, was initially used to treat malaria symptoms, after which it was replaced by the synthetic drug chloroquine. Due to its prolonged overuse, plasmodium developed resistance to existing antimalarials and the need for a new and effective antimalarial drug has emerged. As a part of the Chinese national program, a group of Chinese researchers discovered artemisinin, a naturally occurring organic compound in the traditional herb Artemisia annua. Structurally, it is a sesquiterpenoid lactone, characterized by an endoperoxide bridge. The exact mechanism of its action is still unknown, but it has been confirmed that for its antimalarial activity requires activation, followed by the release of toxic radicals which damages the plasmodium. Artemisinin is obtained from transgenic plants or produced in microbial heterologous systems with bacteria Escherichia coli and yeast Streptomyces cerevisiae. Artemisinin and its derivatives are mainly used as the main component of the artemisinin combination therapy for malaria treatment. In addition to that, several studies reported antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects of artemisinin and its derivatives.

Keywords:Artemisia annua, artemisinin, quinine, chloroquine, malaria

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