
Vpliv odsotnosti stefina B in antioksidantov na oksidativni stres pri primarnih mišjih PyMT rakavih celicah
ID Gaube, Neža (Author), ID Turk, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Oksidativni stres je definiran kot porušeno razmerje med reaktivnimi kisikovimi spojinami (ROS) in antioksidanti. V nekaterih študijah so nakazali povezavo med občutljivostjo celic na oksidativni stres in stefinom B, ki je endogeni inhibitor cisteinskih katepsinov. V raziskovalni nalogi smo zato želeli potrditi vpliv stefina B na oksidativni stres sprožen s H2O2 na modelu primarnih tumorskih celic MMTV-PyMT divjega tipa in z izbitim genom za stefin B. Celice z izbitim genom za stefin B so imele po tretmaju s H2O2 signifikantno večji delež mrtvih celic kot celice divjega tipa, vendar pri tem nismo izmerili kaspazne aktivnosti. Pokazali smo, da tretma s H2O2 v celicah z izbitim genom za stefin B hitro dvigne nivo ROS in povzroči oksidacijo kardiolipina. Tretma je vplival tudi na povišanje pH v lizosomih, vendar smo z uporabo inhibitorja cisteinskih proteaz ugotovili, da katepsini najverjetneje nimajo glavne vloge pri celični smrti sproženi s H2O2. Dodatek antioksidanta N-acetyl-cisteina je izboljšal viabilnost celic in omejil nastanek ROS. Dodatek antioksidanta vitamina C pa na nastanek ROS ni vplival, viabilnost celic pa je celo poslabšal. Na podlagi teh rezultatov smo sklepali, da niso vsi antioksidanti enako učinkoviti in da je njihova učinkovitost odvisna od številnih dejavnikov (npr. uporabljene koncentracije antioksidanta in vrste nastalih ROS). Zaključimo lahko, da v našem celičnem modelu s H2O2 nismo sprožili apoptoze, ampak neko drugo obliko celične smrti. Najverjetneje pride v celicah z odsotnim stefinom B do aktivacije NLRP3 inflamasoma in od ROS-odvisne celične smrti (npr. feroptoza), kar bi lahko potrdili v nadaljevanju raziskovalne naloge.

Keywords:stefin B, H2O2, ROS, celična smrt, antioksidant
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:73969667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2021
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Title:Influence of depletion of Stefin B and antioksidants on oxidative stress in mouse mammary PyMT cancer cells
antioxidants. Some studies have suggested an association between cell sensitivity to oxidative stress and stefin B, an endogenous inhibitor of cysteine cathepsins. In this research, we wanted to confirm the effect of stefin B on oxidative stress induced by H2O2 in a model of wild-type primary tumour cells MMTV-PyMT and in cells with the knocked-out gene for stefin B. Cells with the knocked-out gene for stefin B had a significantly higher proportion of dead cells after treatment with H2O2 as wild-type cells, however, we did not measure caspase activity. We have shown that treatment with H2O2 in cells with the knocked-out gene for stefin B rapidly raises reactive oxygen species and causes cardiolipin oxidation. The treatment also affected raising the pH in lysosomes, but inhibiting cathepsin with a cysteine protease inhibitor showed no effect; therefore, cathepsins most likely do not play an essential role in H2O2-induced cell death. The addition of the antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine improved cell viability and limited the formation of ROS. The addition of the antioxidant vitamin C did not affect ROS formation and has even lowered cell viability. Based on these results, we concluded that not all antioxidants are equally effective and that their effectiveness depends on many factors (e.g., antioxidant concentrations used and ROS type). We can conclude that we did not trigger apoptosis in our cell model by H2O2 treatment but some other form of cell death. Activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and ROS-dependent cell death (e.g., ferroptosis) are most likely to occur in cells with absent stefin B, which could be confirmed in continuation the research task.

Keywords:stefin B, H2O2, ROS, cell death, antioxidant

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