
Učinki vadbe proti majhnemu uporu pri ljudeh s kronično nespecifično bolečino v vratu – pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Rotnik, Klara (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Palma, Polona (Comentor), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Bolečina v vratu je druga najpogostejša mišično-skeletna bolečina, ki jo tekom življenja izkusi približno 67 % prebivalstva. Kadar bolečina v vratu pri posamezniku vztraja več kot tri mesece, pri kateri se ne more določiti strukturna sprememba ali prisotnost drugega obolenja, govorimo o nespecifični kronični bolečini. Dosedanje raziskave poročajo o močni povezanosti med kronično bolečino v vratu in oslabljenimi globokimi mišicami vratu, zato se vse pogosteje pri obravnavi oseb z nespecifično kronično bolečino v vratu izvaja terapevtska vadba. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na osnovi pregleda obstoječe literature ugotoviti učinek vadbe proti majhnemu uporu na bolečino, gibljivosti vratu in mišično zmogljivost vratnih mišic pri bolnikih s kronično nespecifično bolečino v vratu. Metode dela: Pregledali smo podatkovni zbirki PubMed in PEDro. Uporabljene so bile naslednje ključne besede in besedne zveze v angleškem jeziku: nonspecific; chronic pain; neck pain; exercise; physical therapy ali chronic neck pain; deep cervical muscles; exercises. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih sedem raziskav, ki so ustrezale vključitvenim kriterijem. V raziskavah so ugotavljali učinke vadb proti majhnemu uporu, med katere se uvrščajo vadba za globoke fleksorje vratu, vadba z izometrično kontrakcijo v nevtralnem položaju hrbtenice in izotonična dinamična vadba. V vseh raziskavah so merili intenziteto bolečine in poročali o zmanjšanju bolečine, ne glede na izbran vadben program. Obseg gibljivosti v vratni hrbtenici, vzdržljivost vratnih mišic ter jakost vratnih mišic so merili v treh raziskavah. Gibljivost vratu se je pomembno izboljšala pri vseh vadbenih programih; le v eni raziskavi je prišlo do statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama. Mišična vzdržljivost in jakost vratnih mišic sta se izboljšali v vseh treh raziskavah. Statistično pomembno razliko med skupinama so ugotovili pri oceni jakosti vratnih mišic v vseh treh raziskavah in v eni raziskavi pri oceni vzdržljivosti vratnih mišic. Razprava in zaključek: Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da je vadba proti majhnemu uporu učinkovit terapevtski pristop za obravnavo oseb z nespecifično kronično bolečino vratu, zmanjšano gibljivost vratu in oslabljeno mišično zmogljivost. Učinki vadbe proti majhnemu uporu za zmanjšanje bolečine v vratu, izboljšanje gibljivosti in mišične jakosti so primerljivi z drugimi vrstami vadb, je pa tovrstna vadba učinkovitejša za izboljšanje mišične vzdržljivosti.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, nespecifična kronična bolečina v vratu, vadba proti majhnemu uporu, globoke mišice vratu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Rotnik]
Number of pages:33 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69919491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of resistance training with low loads in people with chronic nonspecific neck pain – literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Neck pain is the second most common musculoskeletal pain, experienced by about 67% of the population during their lifetime. When the duration of the neck pain in an individual is more than three months, in which no structural change or the presence of another illness can be determined, we speak of non-specific chronic pain. A strong correlation between chronic neck pain and impairment of the deep cervical muscles has been reported until now. That is why therapeutic exercises are highly recommended for the treatment of people with non-specific chronic neck pain. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was, based on a review of existing literature, to determine the effect of low load exercises on pain, neck mobility, and neck muscle performance in patients with chronic non-specific neck pain. Methods: PubMed and PEDro databases have been reviewed. The following English keywords and phrases have been used: non-specific; chronic pain; neck pain; exercise; physical therapy or chronic neck pain; deep cervical muscle; exercises. Results: Seven studies, that met the inclusion criteria, were included in the review. The effects of low load exercises, which include deep cervical flexor training, isometric exercise in the neutral position of the spine, and isotonic dynamic exercise have been researched. In all studies, the pain was measured, and pain reduction was reported, regardless of the exercise program chosen. Neck range of motion, muscular endurance, and muscle strength of the neck muscles were measured in three studies. Neck mobility improved significantly in all exercise programs, with only one study showing a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Muscular endurance and muscle strength of the neck muscles improved in all three studies. A statistically significant difference between the groups was found for muscle strength in all three studies and for muscular endurance in one study. Discussion and conclusion: The results suggest that low resistance exercise is an effective therapeutic approach for the treatment of persons with non-specific chronic neck pain, decreased neck mobility, and impaired muscle capacity. Low load exercises are comparable to other forms of exercise for reducing neck pain, improving neck mobility and muscle strength, and are more effective for improving the muscular endurance of the neck muscles.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, non-specific chronic pain, low load resistance training, deep neck muscles

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