
Preizkus ekstrakcije benzotriazolov iz tal z uporabo vroče vode
ID Pok, Špela (Author), ID Prosen, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Benzotriazoli (BZ) so heterociklične spojine, ki jih v vsakdanjem življenju in industriji najdemo predvsem kot inhibitorje korozije ter kot UV stabilizatorje. Kot posledica vedno širših antropogenih dejavnosti so postali praktično svetovno prisotna onesnaževala. BZ so ne le strupeni za rastline in vodne organizme, temveč so tudi endokrini motilci, potencialni karcinogeni, nekateri BZ pa se tudi bioakumulirajo. Z naraščajočo onesnaženostjo pa iščemo tudi nove, bolj zelene metode za delo v kemiji. Eno od okolju najbolj prijaznih topil je seveda voda, ki pa pri povišani temperaturi kaže drugačne lastnosti kot pri normalni. Od polarnega topila lahko tako pod ekstremnimi pogoji postane tudi nepolarna, kar pa se z dobrimi rezultati že izkorišča v okoljski znanosti. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem preizkusila ekstrakcijo z vročo vodo (HWE), pri čemer sem iz tal ekstrahirala osnoven benzotriazol (BTZ). Glede na pregled literature, metoda za ta onesnaževala še ni bila aplicirana, zato sem skozi poskuse iskala optimalne parametre. Spreminjala sem maso tal, čas kuhanja, količino ekstrakcijskega topila in njegov pH, vendar nobena od teh variacij ni signifikantno spremenila izkoristka. Tako sem na podlagi njegove naloge antikorozijskega sredstva sklepala, da je BTZ v samem vzorcu kompleksiran s kovinskimi ioni. To je torej razlog, da kljub optimizaciji, rezultati niso boljši. V zadnjem poskusu sem vodi dodala EDTA, kateri je služil kot dober ligand za kovinske ione v tleh. S tem je izpodrinil analit, ki je posledično postal prost in na voljo za ekstrakcijo. Ker sem uporabila dokaj preprosto variacijo HWE – kuhanje v vroči vodi v čaši, pokriti z urnim steklom, sem po ekstrakciji izvedla še dodatno čiščenje z že optimizirano ekstrakcijo na trdno fazo (SPE). Vse vzorce sam analizirala s tekočinsko kromatografijo visoke ločljivosti, sklopljeno z detektorjem na niz diod (HPLC-DAD) po vnaprej izpopolnjeni metodi.

Keywords:benzotriazol, ekstrakcija z vročo vodo, ekstrakcija na trdno fazo, tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti (HPLC)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128247 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71645443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2021
POK, Špela, 2021, Preizkus ekstrakcije benzotriazolov iz tal z uporabo vroče vode [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 20 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Experimental extraction of benzotriazoles from soil using hot water
Benzotriazoles (BZ) are heterocycles, that can be found in households and industry as corrosion inhibitors and UV stabilizers. As a consequence of ever-growing anthropogenic activities, they have become globally present pollutants. Not only are BZ toxic for plants and aquatic organisms, but they are also endocrine disrupting chemicals and potential carcinogens. Even furthermore – some of BZ can bioaccumulate. With increasing pollution, we seek newer and even greener methods for laboratory work. One of the most environmentally friendly solvents is of course water, which shows altered properties at elevated temperatures. From a polar solvent, it can become nonpolar under extreme conditions, and that is already used in environmental science. In this work, I tested hot water extraction (HWE), whereby my goal was to determine the simplest benzotriazole (BTZ) in soil. According to available literature, mentioned method hasn’t been applied to this pollutant yet, so I sought the optimal extraction parameters. I varied the soil mass, time of cooking, amount of extraction solvent and its pH, however, none of the variations significantly changed the efficiency. So, on the basis of its anticorrosive function, I concluded that BTZ forms chelates with metal ions in soil and that this is the reason for my poorer results. Therefore, I added good chelating agent – EDTA, in my final experiment. It displaced the analyte, which then became free and available for extraction. Because a simple variation of HWE was used – cooking in hot water in a beaker covered with a watch glass, I added an additional purification step with an already optimized solid-phase extraction (SPE). All samples were then analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) by a previously developed method.

Keywords:benzotriazole, hot water extraction, solid-phase extraction, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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