The symbols of traditionality in culture can be recognized in the gastronomy of our society. Coffee is one of the most recognizable parts of gastronomy but there are differences in the preparation and consumption of coffee. The coffee drinking culture can also be seen in advertisements that represent symbols of a certain consumer society that make the advertised product more relevant for the consumer. We can find two advertisements in Slovenia where a tradition of Slovenian coffee culture, involvement in the educational system and coffee consumption can be seen, through the implementation of two works of art. The first belongs to Ivan Cankar - short story Skodelica kave and the second one to Ivana Kobilca - painting of Kofetarica. I have analysed the two advertisements with a multimodal semiotic approach, where I define and expose visual representations of coffee and its elements. One of the most effective ways to reach the audience is to mediate visual elements in messages that are culturally recognisable and relevant. In this final research paper I have researched how the two video Slovenian advertisements, with the implementation of fundamental art works of Ivan Cankar and Ivana Kobilca, affect the collective conscience and self-representation of coffee in Slovenia.