
Proizvodnja pnevmatik
ID Celjer, Tilen (Author), ID Alič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pnevmatike so ključnega pomena pri transportu tako ljudi kot tudi dobrin. Z njimi se srečujemo vsakodnevno v službenem in privatnem življenju. Pnevmatike so v prvi vrsti bistvena varnostna lastnost vozila. Držijo vozilo na cesti, omogočajo odzivnost in udobje krmiljenja ter so edina povezava med našim vozilom in cesto. Zagotavljajo oprijem za zaviranje in pospeševanje. Ohranjajo krmiljenje in nadzor smeri. Podpirajo težo vozila. Delujejo kot blažilec vibracij s ceste. Trg pnevmatik je tehnološko zelo napreden. Ta nenehni razvoj poganja vse bolj ambiciozen regulativni program in naraščajoče zahteve kupcev (bodisi avtomobilske industrije ali potrošnikov). Varčevanje z gorivom in surovinami sta med osrednjimi točkami takšnih inovacij, ki so usmerjene k varnejšim in okolju prijaznejšim možnostim mobilnosti. Industrija proaktivno prepoznava in obravnava možne vplive na zdravje ljudi in okolje, povezane z življenjskim ciklom pnevmatik, da bi prispevala k trajnejši prihodnosti. V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na življenjski cikel pnevmatike. Predstavljene so surovine, ki jih potrebujemo in proces proizvodnje pnevmatike. Opisan je proces vulkanizacije, ki je postopek, s katerim izboljšamo fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti pnevmatike. Prav tako je predstavljen proces recikliranja in devulkanizacije, s katerim poskušamo odpadni gumi vrniti lastnosti nevulkanizirane gumene zmesi in tako zmanjšati količino odpadkov ter pripomoči k trajnostnem gospodarstvu in ponovni uporabi surovin. Z LCA metodo sem predstavil celovit vpliv izdelka na okolje.

Keywords:vulkanizacija, pnevmatika, proizvodnja pnevmatik, devulkanizacija, recikliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128211 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71015683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Tire production
Tires are crucial in transporting both people and goods. We meet them every day at work and in private life. They are first and foremost an essential safety feature of the vehicle. They hold the vehicle on the road and allow steering response and comfort and are the only link between our vehicle and the road. They provide grip for braking and acceleration. Maintain steering and directional control. They support the weight of the vehicle. Act as a shock absorber for vibrations from the road. The tire market is technologically very advanced. These constant developments are driven by the increasingly ambitious regulatory agenda and the increasing requirements of customers (whether automotive industry or consumers). Fuel economy and raw materials conservation are amongst the focus points of such innovations, that are geared towards safer and more environmentally mobility options. The industry proactively identifies and addresses the potential human health and environmental impacts associated with the tires life cycle to contribute to a more sustainable future. In my dissertation, I focused on the life cycle of a tire. The raw materials we need and the tire production process are presented. A method of vulcanization is described, which is a process of improving the physical-chemistry properties of the tire. The process of recycling and devulcanization is also presented, with which we try to restore the properties of unvulcanized rubber compound and therefore reduce the amount of waste and contribute to the sustainability of the economy and the reuse of materials. With the LCA method I presented the overall impact on the environment.

Keywords:vulcanization, tire, tire production, devulcanization, recycling

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