
Toaletni trening za otroka z avtistično motnjo
ID Matjaž, Maruša (Author), ID Macedoni Lukšič, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bezenšek, Ana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6774/ This link opens in a new window

Avtistične motnje (v nadaljevanju AM) so pervazivne razvojne motnje, ki so vseživljenjsko stanje, kažejo pa se kot primanjkljaj na področju socialne komunikacije in interakcije, hkrati s prisotnostjo ozko usmerjenih, ponavljajočih se vedenj, interesov in aktivnosti. Naštete značilnosti vedenja so običajno prisotne že v zgodnjem otroštvu in omejujejo vsakodnevno funkcioniranje osebe. Posledično imajo osebe z AM težave z usvajanjem prilagojenega vedenja, ki nam omogoča učinkovito in s socialnimi pričakovanji skladno delovanje na različnih področjih vsakdanjega življenja. Eno izmed teh področji je tudi skrb zase, kamor spada samostojna uporaba toalete. Slednja pozitivno vpliva na posameznikovo kvaliteto življenja, saj mu omogoča socialno vključevanje in ustrezno raven vzdrževanja higiene. Otroci se samostojne uporabe toalete učijo v procesu toaletnega treninga, posamezniki z razvojnimi motnjami (kamor spadajo tudi AM), pa kasnijo v razvoju v primerjavi z vrstniki s tipičnim razvojem, kar pomeni, da kasneje usvojijo tudi samostojno uporabo toalete. Primanjkljaji značilni za AM, se v procesu toaletnega treninga, največkrat kažejo na področjih komunikacije, senzorike, rutin, posploševanja znanja ter motorike, in ovirajo otroka pri učenju samostojne uporabe toalete. Upoštevajoč značilnosti motnje, so strokovnjaki razvili pristope k toaletnemu treningu, ki so bolj prilagojeni otrokom z razvojnimi motnjami in jim tako olajšajo učenje samostojne uporabe toalete. Magistrsko delo predstavlja študijo primera, ki zajema primer vedenjskega pristopa k toaletnemu treningu z uporabo pozitivnega ojačevanja v kombinaciji s strukturiranim učenjem, ki temelji na vpeljavi vizualnih opor za tri in pol leta starega otroka z avtističnimi motnjami. Delo zajema opredelitev predpogojev za začetek s toaletnim treningom, načrtovanje toaletnega treninga, implementacijo toaletnega treninga s strani staršev in evalvacijo vpliva toaletnega treninga na raven samostojnosti otroka pri uporabi toalete. Raziskava predstavlja model in izhodišče za načrtovanje individualiziranega toaletnega treninga pri drugih otrocih z avtističnimi motnjami, ki so lahko v pomoč strokovnjakom s specialno-pedagoškega področja in staršem otrok z AM. V okviru naše raziskave izveden toaletni trening je pripomogel k višji ravni samostojnosti otroka z AM pri uporabi toalete. Po koncu treninga otrok ni več uporabljal plenice v času, ko so bili z družino doma. Še vedno jo je uporabljal v vrtcu in v drugih okoljih izven doma in pa tudi ponoči. Potrebo po uporabi toalete, ki je prej ni sporočal, je po koncu treninga ob spodbudi sporočil z izmenjavo sličice. Pri slačenju in oblačenju je pred začetkom treninga potreboval popolno fizično oporo, po koncu pa le še delno fizično oporo. Opazili smo tudi porast neverbalnega vedenja, s katerim je otrok nakazal, da se zaveda potrebe po uporabi toalete. Otrok je tako v osmih tednih treninga dosegel napredek na vseh področjih, na katerih smo zastavili cilje.

Keywords:avtistične motnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128193 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69223939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Toilet training for the child with autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is persistent into adulthood and is characterized as persistent impairment in reciprocal social communication and interaction and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The symptoms are already present in early childhood and have a limiting effect on the child’s everyday functioning. As a result, people with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty adopting adaptive behavior that allow us to act effectively and in line with social expectations in various areas of everyday life. One of these areas is also self-care, which includes independent use of the toilet. The latter has a positive effect on an individual's quality of life, as it enables them social inclusion and an appropriate level of hygiene maintenance. Children learn to use the toilet independently in the process of toilet training, while individuals with developmental disorders (including autism spectrum disorder) are late in development compared to their peers with typical development, which means that they also later learn to use the toilet independently. In the process of toilet training, autism spectrum deficits are most often manifested in the areas of communication, sensory processing, routines, generalization of knowledge and motor skills, and hinder the child from learning to use the toilet independently. Considering the characteristics of the disorder, experts have developed approaches to toilet training that are more adapted to children with developmental disorders, thus making it easier for them to learn to use the toilet independently. The master's thesis presents a case study covering an example of a behavioral approach to toilet training using positive reinforcement combined with structured learning based on the introduction of visual aids for a three-and-a-half-year-old child with autism spectrum disorder. The thesis includes the definition of prerequisites for starting toilet training, planning toilet training, implementation of toilet training by parents and evaluation of the impact of toilet training on the level of independence of the child in using the toilet. The research represents a model and starting point for planning individualized toilet training for other children with autism spectrum disorder, which can help professionals from the special education field and parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. The toilet training performed as part of our research contributed to a higher level of independence of the involved child with autism spectrum disorder when using the toilet. After the end of training, the child no longer used diapers while they were at home with the family. He still used them in kindergarten and in other environments outside the home as well as at night. The need to use the toilet, which he had not previously communicated, was communicated at the end of training by exchanging pictures. When undressing and dressing, he needed full physical support before the start of training, and only partial physical support at the end. We also observed an increase in nonverbal behavior by which the child indicated that he was aware of the need to use the toilet. In the eight weeks of training, the child made progress in all areas of training in which we set goals.

Keywords:autism spectrum disorder

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