
Pogledi na pomen placente v sodobnem času : diplomsko delo
ID Urbanc Munda, Katarina (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavel, Nastja (Comentor), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Izraz placentofagja pomeni, da mati po porodu zaužije placento/posteljico. V živalskem svetu je placentofagija od nekdaj prisotna pri večini sesalcev, pri ljudeh so po uradnih zapisih pojav zaznali šele v letu 1970 v severni Ameriki. V zadnjih desetih letih se trend uživanja posteljice povečuje, predvsem v razvitem svetu. Ženske se za uživanje placente odločajo zaradi motivacije domnevnih pozitivnih učinkov. S povečanim trendom uživanja placente, pa se pojavljajo vprašanja, glede varnosti, saj naj bi placenta lahko vsebovala nekatere potencialno patogene bakterije, težke kovine v sledovih pod pragom strupenosti in morebitna akumulirana zdravila – antibiotike in anestetike. Nove raziskave potrjujejo tudi vsebnost mikroplastike v placenti. Večinoma placentofagijo povezujemo z naravnim porodom in porodom na domu, vendar se zanjo odloča vedno več žensk, ki so rodile v porodnišnici. Te matere lahko imajo težavo dobiti svojo placento, saj v bolnišničnem okolju placenta sodi med kužne odpadke in je porodnišnice ne dovolijo odnesti domov. Poleg tega matere velikokrat naletijo na neodobravanje zdravstvenih delavcev glede placentofagije. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti pozitivne učinke in morebitne nevarnosti placentofagije za mater in otroka. Želeli smo pridobiti vpogled in proučiti dosedanje znanstvene raziskave na tem področju. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil omogočiti zdravstvenim delavcem in materam, ki si želijo zaužiti placento, poglobiti znanje glede placentofagije in oblikovati strokovno mnenje. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s kvalitativno analizo podatkov. Pri pregledu literature smo uporabili tujo in domačo literatura, ki smo jo našli na iskalnih bazah: CINAHL, PubMed, Medscape, DiKUL. Rezultati: V sodobnem času obstaja veliko načinov uporabe placente po porodu. Vedno pogostejša je placentofagija, kjer prevladuje uživanje enkapsulirane placente. Placenta vsebuje veliko beljakovin, holesterola, železa, kalcija in selena. Potencialno toksični elementi so močno pod nivojem škodljivosti. Toplotna obdelava placente zmanjša vsebnost hormonov in možnost kontaminacije z bakterijami. Študije na področju placentofagije imajo različne ugotovitve. Pri nekaterih večina žensk, ki so zaužile placento poroča o izboljšanju razpoloženja, več energije in povečani laktaciji. V drugih študijah ni dokazov, da bi uživanje placente pozitivno ali negativno vplivalo na poporodno razpoloženje, povečanje energije, nivo železa v krvi in izboljšanje laktacije. Razprava in zaključek: Na področju placentofagije in uporabe placente po porodu je narejenih zelo malo raziskav, dosedanje raziskave pa imajo majne vzorce. Po pregledu dosedanjih raziskav ne moremo z gotovostjo dokazati pozitivnih ali negativnih vplivov na zdravstveno v primeru uživanja placente.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, placenta, uživanje placente, placentofagija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Urbanc Munda]
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128153 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69350403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Aspects on placenta in modern time : diploma work
Introduction: The term placentophagy means that the mother ingests the placenta after giving birth. In the animal kingdom, placentophagy has always been present in most mammals. In humans, according to official records, the phenomenon was detected in 1970 in North America. In the last ten years, the trend of ingesting the placenta has been increasing, especially in the developed world. Women choose to use the placenta for the supposed benefits. With the increasing trend of placental use, however, safety questions arise, as the placenta may contain some potentially pathogenic bacteria, heavy trace metals below the toxicity threshold, and accumulated medications - antibiotics and anesthetics. New research also confirms presence of microplastic in the placenta. Placentophagy is mostly associated with natural childbirth and home birth movement, but more and more women who give birth in hospitals are chosing it. These mothers may have difficulty getting their placenta from hospitals. In hospital environment, the placenta is classified as infectious waste and because of that, they do not allow it to be taken home. In addition, mothers often encounter disapproval from healthcare professionals regarding placentophagy. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to present the positive effects and potential dangers of placentophagy for mother and child. We wanted to gain insight and study the current scientific research in this field. The aim of the diploma work was to enable healthcare professionals and mothers who want to ingest the placenta, to deepen their knowledge about placentophagy and to form an expert opinion. Methods: In the diploma work we used a descriptive method with qualitative data analysis. In reviewing the literature, we used foreign and domestic literature found on search databases: CINAHL, PubMed, Medscape, DiKUL. Results: In modern times, there are many ways to use the placenta after childbirth. Increasingly common is placentophagy, where the consumption of encapsulated placenta predominates. The placenta is high in protein, cholesterol, iron, calcium and selenium. Potentially toxic elements are well below the level of harmfulness. Heat treatment of the placenta reduces the content of hormones and the possibility of bacterial contamination. Studies in the field of placentophagy have different findings. In some, most women who have ingested the placenta report improved mood, more energy, and increased lactation. In other studies, there is no evidence that ingestion of the placenta has a positive or negative effect on postpartum mood, increased energy, blood iron levels, and improved lactation. Discussion and conclusion: In the field of placentophagy and the use of the placenta after childbirth, very little research has been done, and the research to date has small samples. After reviewing previous research, we cannot prove with certainty the positive or negative health effects in the case of placental ingestion.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, placenta, placental intake, placentophagy

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