
Oblike, pomen in sociološki vidik mestnega vrtnarjenja
ID Skornšek, Viktoria (Author), ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mestno okolje že od nekdaj predstavlja pomembno prizorišče pridelovanja zelenjave, saj so bili ravno meščani tisti, ki so z zelenjavnimi vrtovi želeli prikazati svoje bogastvo. Skozi zgodovino se je pomen mestnega vrtnarjenja precej spreminjal, svoj vrhunec pa je dosegel v prehodu v 20. stoletje, kjer so se določeni trendi vrtnarjenja ohranili vse do danes. V diplomskem delu smo na kratko opisali osnovne pogoje za pridelavo vrtnin, ki so pomembni še posebej takrat, kadar vrtnine pridelujemo za večjo množico ljudi. Podrobneje smo opisali tradicionalne sisteme gojenja, kamor spadata domače in skupnostno vrtnarjenje, ter inovativne sisteme gojenja, ki so zaradi majhnih potreb po prostoru in vodi ravno pravšnji za mestna območja. Posebnost inovativnih gojitvenih sistemov je možnost vrtnarjenja v notranjosti zgradb, ki so podrobno opisana. Mestno vrtnarjenje smo predstavili iz sociološkega zornega kota – navedli razloge za zagon te panoge, ter prednosti in ovire, s katerimi se soočajo vrtnarji po svetu. V nadaljevanju opisujemo zakaj so ravno zelenjadnice primerne za mestno okolje, sledi predstavitev glavnih vidikov in sprememb, ki jih s seboj prinaša vrtnarjenje v mestu. Predstavljeni so ekonomski, okoljski in socialni vidik, izmed katerih je natančneje opisan okoljski vidik, saj mestno vrtnarjenje pomembno vpliva na trenutno dogajanje, ki je povezano s podnebnimi spremembami in problematiko težkih kovin v okolju.

Keywords:mestno vrtnarjenje, sistemi gojenja vrtnin, sociološki vidik, pomen
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Skornšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128141 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69980931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Forms, meaning and sociological aspects of urban gardening
The urban environment has always been an important venue for vegetables growing, as it was the city dwellers who wanted to show off their wealth through vegetable gardens. Throughout history, the importance of urban gardening has changed considerably, culminating in the transition to the 20th century, where certain gardening trends have been preserved until today. The thesis tries to describe the basic conditions for vegetables growing, which are particularly important when we grow vegetables for a large number of people. A more detailed description of traditional cultivation systems, which include home and community gardening, and innovative cultivation systems, which are particularly suitable for urban areas due to their low land and water requirements, is presented. A special feature of the innovative cultivation systems is the possibility of gardening within the buildings that are described in detail. We presented urban gardening from a sociological point of view - the reasons for establishing this industry, and the advantages and obstacles that the gardeners around the world face. The section describes why vegetables are suitable for the urban environment, followed by a presentation of the main aspects and changes associated with urban gardening. The economic, environmental and social aspects are presented, of which the environmental aspect is described in more detail, as urban gardening has a significant impact on current developments related to climate change and the issue of heavy metals in the environment.

Keywords:urban gardening, vegetable growing systems, sociological aspect, meaning

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