
Predstavitev športne igre padel in njena umestitev v slovenski prostor : magistrsko delo
ID Gabrovšek, Nina (Author), ID Kondrič, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jurak, Gregor (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil na splošno predstaviti športno igro padel, ki je ena izmed vrst iger z loparjem. Glavne značilnosti te igre so, da se zmeraj igra v paru in na posebnem igrišču, ograjenem z višjimi steklenimi ali betonskimi ograjami. Namen teh steklenih ograj je, da se žogica ob pravilnem predhodnem odboju od tal lahko odbije v ograjo in nazaj v igro. Ker padel v Sloveniji še ni prisoten, je bil cilj prikazati primer vključitve te nove športne igre v slovenski prostor. Cilj je bil s SWOT analizo preučiti prednosti, slabosti, nevarnosti in priložnosti vključitve popolnoma nove športne panoge na slovenski trg. Namen je bil simulirati poslovni načrt na primeru vključitve padla, v obliki padel centra v najemniškem prostoru in za daljše časovno obdobje. Cilji poslovnega načrta so bili usmerjeni k preučevanju ciljnih uporabnikov, analizi posredne konkurence, predstavitvi tržnih ciljev in strategij ter s finančnimi projekcijami preveriti, ali je projekt dobičkonosen. Metode dela so temeljile na že ustaljenih modelih poslovnih načrtov iz strokovne literature. Dodatno usmeritev za predvidevanje začetne investicije, prihodkov, odhodkov in organizacijske sheme so nam dali primeri dobrih praks iz tujine. S kratkim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki smo ga poslali sedmim padel centrom po svetu, smo preverili naše domneve. Morali smo upoštevati dejstvo, da padel po svetu že doživlja eksponentno rast in da bo v Sloveniji popolna nova športna panoga. Prodajo in dobiček smo načrtovali po predvidenem življenjskem ciklu nove storitve po Armstrong, Kotler in Opresnik (2019). Na podlagi analiz smo ugotovili, da je priložnost za ustanovitev podjetja za izvajanje padla in ostalih storitev realna. Simulacija poslovnega modela je pokazala, da je obratovanje padel centra v najemniškem objektu dobičkonosna in manj rizična priložnost. Ob predvidevanjih 25-odstotne zasedenosti igrišč, podjetje pričakuje pozitiven čisti (NETO) dobiček v tretjem letu poslovanja. V šestem letu ob 55-odstotni zasedenosti igrišč podjetje pričakuje povrnjen začetni vložek 403.000 €.

Keywords:padel, padel pravila, nova športna panoga, poslovni načrt padel centra
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128139 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74237955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Presentation of padel and its introduction on Slovenian market
The purpose of this master's thesis was to present the sport of padel in general and show an example of the inclusion of padel in Slovenia. The main features of this game are that it is always played in pairs and on a special court with higher glass fences. The purpose of these glass fences is to allow the ball to bounce into the fence and back into play when properly bounced off the ground. Since the padel is not yet present in Slovenia, the goal was to show an example of the inclusion of this new sports game in Slovenia. With SWOT analysis we wanted to examine the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities that accompany completely new sports on the Slovenian market. The goal was to simulate a business plan in form of a padel centre in a rental facility for a longer period. The objectives of the business plan were aimed at studying the target users, the indirect competition, the market objectives, the market strategy, and financial projections. The methods of work were based on already established business plan models from the literature. Additional guidance to anticipate initial investments, revenues, expenditures, and organizational schemes was provided from examples of good practice abroad. We checked our results with a short survey questionnaire sent to padel centres around the world. We had to consider the fact that the padel is already experiencing exponential growth around the world, however it will be a completely new sport industry in Slovenia. Sales and profits were planned after anticipating the life cycle of new services according to Armstrong, Kotler and Opresnik (2019). Based on the analysis, we concluded that the opportunity to establish a company is realistic. A business model simulation has shown that operating a padel centre is a superior business opportunity. Assuming 25% of court occupancy, the company expects positive net profit in the third year of operation. In the sixth year, with 55% of court occupancy, the company expects a return of the initial investment of € 403,000.

Keywords:padel, padel rules, introduction of new sport, business plan of padel centre

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