
Anksioznost in spoprijemanje s procesom žalovanja po izgubi bližnje osebe : magistrsko delo
ID Zemlič Radović, Tamara (Author), ID Pate, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen našega dela je bil raziskati prisotnost anksioznosti, depresivnosti, stresa, sposobnost spoprijemanja s čustvi ter podaljšanega žalovanja pri osebah z izkušnjo izgube bližnje osebe. Zanimale pa so nas tudi razlike v anksioznosti, depresivnosti, stresu, spoprijemnju s čustvi in podaljšanem žalovanju glede na vrsto in čas od izgube. Raziskava je zajemala 250 udeležencev, od tega 210 ženskega in 40 moškega spola. Povprečna starost udeležencev je bila 44 let. V naš vzorec smo zajeli vse starostne skupine. Prisotnost motnje podaljšanega žalovanja pri udeležencih smo ocenjevali z Vprašalnikom o motnji podaljšanega žalovanja (PGD). Za merjenje prisotnosti depresije, anksioznosti in stresa smo uporabili Lestvico za merjenje prisotnosti depresije, anksioznosti in stresa (DASS 21), za merjenje spoprijemanja s čustvi pa smo uporabili krajšo verzijo vprašalnika Na čustva usmerjeno spoprijemanje (EAC). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se upad funkcionalnosti pri žalujočih statistično pomembno razlikuje od spoprijemanja s čustvi v procesu žalovanja. Potrdili smo, da obstaja statistično pomembna razlika v doživljanju anksioznoznosti in depresije glede na vrsto izgube oziroma koga smo izgubili, in sicer sta anksioznost in depresivnost močneje prisotni pri tistih, ki so izgubili ožjega družinskega člana. Motnja podaljšanega žalovanja se je pomembno razlikovala med udeleženci, ki so doživeli izgubo v zadnjih treh letih, v primerjavi s tistimi, pri katerih je od izgube preteklo več kot tri leta. Prav tako smo potrdili razliko v vseh merjenih spremenljivkah glede na to, ali so udeleženci doživljali prigovarjanje okolice k čimprejšnji vključitvi v vsakdanje življenje ali ne. Smrt bližnje osebe povzorči hudo stisko in globoko zareže v življenje posameznika. Žalujoči izgubijo občutek varnosti in težko najdejo nov smisel v življenju. Porajajo se zelo močna čustva in občutja, zato potrebujejo veliko podpore, sočutja, sprejetosti in predvsem slišanosti, kjer pa ni prostora za svetovanje. Žalujoči lahko skozi obrede žalovanja izrazijo čutenja in misli v simboličnem svetu. S tem si lajšajo žalovanje in dajejo pomen smrti. Žalujočim omogočajo, da se ob njih povežejo, sodelujejo in se podpirajo, kar ima za žalujoče veliko vrednost pri nadaljnjih korakih v življenju.

Keywords:izguba, podaljšano žalovanje, anksioznost, stres, čustva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[T. Zemlič Radović]
Number of pages:VI, 67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128131 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:70580227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Anxiety and coping with bereavement process after the loss of a loved one
A purpose of our work was to research the presence of anxiety, depression, stress, ability to cope with emotions and prolonged grief in individuals with experience of losing a loved one. In addition, their differences in regards to a type and time passed from the loss were also in our interest. The research encompassed 250 participants, 210 of women and 40 of man genders. All age groups were included. The average age of the participants was 44 years. With a special questionnaire Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), presence of prolonged grief disorder was assessed and evaluated. For quantitative measures of distress including presence of depression, anxiety and stress, a designated scale Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 21) was utilized. For measurement of coping with emotions, a short version of a questionnaire of coping with emotions Emotion Approach Coping scale (EAC) was used. Results of the research revealed that decrease of functionality of the mourners is dependent on their ability to cope with emotions and thus statistically significantly differ. The results of the study showed that the decline in functionality in mourners is statistically significantly different from coping with emotions in the grieving process. We statistically confirmed that an important difference exists in the experience of anxiety and depression with respect to the type of the loss or who we lost. Namely, anxiety and depression are prevalent in those who lost a close relative. The prolonged grief disorder significantly differs among participants who experienced the loss in the last three years and those who experienced their loss more than three years ago. Also, we confirmed a difference in all measured variables depending on whether the participants experienced or not counseling support from their environment toward their anticipating re-integration into their daily life. Passing of a loved one causes major distress and deep scars in the life of an individual. The mourners lose their sense of security and realize that finding their new meaning in life is difficult. Very strong emotions and feelings are coming through. Hence, these individuals need a lot of support, compassion, acceptance and above all being heard where there is no room for advice. The mourners can express their feelings and thoughts symbolically through mourning rituals. By doing so, they alleviate their grief and can better grasp the meaning of death. Also, these rituals enable mourners to connect and cooperate as well as support each other. This gives a high value to the mourners in their next steps in life.

Keywords:loss, prolonged grief, anxiety, stress, emotions

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