
Anksioznost dijakov med epidemijo COVID-19
ID Senica Pignar, Sara (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Anksioznost je motnja razpoloženja in čustvovanja, ki se pojavlja v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Nekateri avtorji menijo, da se simptomi anksioznosti pogosteje pojavljajo pri mlajših kot pri starejših otrocih, medtem ko drugi ugotavljajo, da se z odraščanjem večajo kognitivne zmožnosti posameznika, ki vključujejo socialno kognicijo, zaskrbljenost, predstave o morebitnih negativnih dogodkih v prihodnosti idr., zato se lahko posledično veča tudi njegova anksioznost. Anksioznost se pogosto pojavi takrat, ko posameznik zazna, da ne izpolnjuje zahtev skupnosti, ki predstavljajo socialne norme. Učenci v šoli vsakodnevno doživljajo različno stopnjo anksioznosti. V letu 2020 je bila po svetu razglašena epidemija covid-19, ki je na številnih področjih spremenila naša življenja. V Sloveniji in tudi drugod po svetu so se zaprle vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove in učenci/dijaki/študenti so pouk v prostorih šole zamenjali s poukom na daljavo. Vse skrbi in omejitve, ki so spremljale epidemijo covid-19 so na ljudeh pustile tudi psihološke posledice. V magistrskem delu želimo predstaviti opredelitve in simptome anksioznosti ter v okviru empirične raziskave ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri se anksioznost pojavlja med dijaki ljubljanskih srednjih šol v času pred epidemijo primerjalno z obdobjem epidemije covid-19 oz. pouka na daljavo. Zanimalo nas je, v katerih šolskih situacijah se anksioznost najpogosteje pojavlja ter katere strategije samouravnavanja anksioznosti uporabljajo dijaki. Raziskava je bila deskriptivne narave in je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 139 dijakov in dijakinj različnih letnikov iz različnih ljubljanskih srednjih šol. Ti so ocenjevali stopnjo svoje anksioznosti pred epidemijo covid-19 t.j. med poukom v prostorih šole in v času epidemije med poukom na daljavo. Pred začetkom raziskave smo si zastavili 3 hipoteze, v katerih smo predvidevali, da v doživljanju anksioznosti v obdobju epidemije covid-19 in v uporabi strategij samouravnavanja anksioznosti ni statistično značilnih razlik med spoloma in da so dijaki v obdobju epidemije doživljali statistično značilno večjo anksioznost kot pri šolanju pred epidemijo. Preverjanje navedenih hipotez je pokazalo, da v doživljanju anksioznosti med epidemijo ni statistično značilnih razlik med spoloma in da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med dijaki in dijakinjami pri uporabi strategij samouravnavanja anksioznosti. Analiza je tudi pokazala, da so dijaki v obdobju epidemije covid-19 doživljali statistično značilno večjo anksioznost kot pri šolanju v običajnih razmerah pred epidemijo. Ugotovili smo, da približno 30 % dijakom pouk na daljavo vzbuja slabe občutke in bi se raje šolali v prostorih šole. Približno 35 % dijakov meni, da jim pouk na daljavo vzbuja dobre občutke in da bi želeli s takšnim poukom nadaljevati do konca šolskega leta. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da dijaki ljubljanskih srednjih šol v času epidemije covid-19 v največji meri občutke anksioznosti doživljajo pri ustnem ocenjevanju znanja prek računalnika in ko jih profesor ošteje/kritizira pred drugimi preko računalnika. Nadalje so rezultati pokazali, da je v času epidemije covid-19 prišlo do komaj opaznega zvišanja povprečnega učnega uspeha, in sicer iz 3,94 na 3,96. Rezultati kažejo, da se je doživljanje anksioznosti v poklicnih dvoletnih in poklicnih tehniških srednjih šolah (4- ali 5letni program) med epidemijo zmanjšalo, medtem ko se je v poklicnih triletnih šolah povečalo. Pri dijakih gimnazijskih programov v povprečju ni bilo zaznati sprememb v doživljanju anksioznosti pred in med epidemijo covid-19.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128101 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68501507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:High school students' anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic
Anxiety is a mood affective disorder occurring across all life stages. Some authors believe that the symptoms of anxiety are more common among younger children, while others claim that as children grow older, they develop cognitive abilities, such as social cognition, worry, perception about possible negative events in the future etc., which can consequently increase their anxiety. Anxiety often occurs when individuals feel that they do not meet the demands of the communities that represent social norms. If the individual does not comply with these norms, a punishment can follow. The punishment can be physical, verbal or internalized and can have an impact on the development of social anxiety. Students experience different levels of anxiety in school every day. They can reduce anxiety if they learn the strategies of successful learning, the processes of solving certain tasks, techniques of memorization, planning, control and evaluation of learning activities etc. In 2020, covid-19 epidemic started to spread around the world, which has changed our lives. In Slovenia and around the world, the educational institutions were closed, so students changed classroom learning with online learning from home. All concerns and limitations that the epidemic brought, such as isolation from friends and teachers, distance learning, anxiety about getting infected or about spreading the virus to someone else etc., have left psychological consequences on people. In the master's thesis, we want to present definitions and symptoms of anxiety and make an empirical research to find out, to what degree anxiety occurs among high-school students in Ljubljana during the epidemic and distance learning compared to pre-epidemic time. We wanted to find out in which school situations anxiety most often occurs and what are anxiety self-regulation strategies in students. The research was of descriptive nature and was based on quantitative methodology. 139 high-school male and female students of different ages from different high schools in Ljubljana participated. They had to assess degree of their anxiety during a class at school and during an online class. At the beginning of the research, we made 3 hypotheses. Our first hypothesis (H1) was that there are no statistically significant differences between male and female students in experiencing anxiety during the covid-19 epidemic, our second hypothesis (H2) was that there are no statistically significant differences between male and female students in using anxiety self-regulation strategies and the third one (H3) was that the students experience statistically higher amount of anxiety during the covid-19 epidemic compared to pre-epidemic time when they were having classes in school. We rejected H2 hypothesis, because there are statistically significant differences between male and female high school students in using anxiety self-regulation strategies. We confirmed the other two hypotheses. H1 hypothesis was confirmed because we found out that there are no statistically significant differences between male and female students in experiencing anxiety during the covid-19 epidemic. H2 hypothesis confirmed that the experience of anxiety in students is significantly increased during the covid-19 epidemic compared to pre-epidemic time. We found out that for approximately 30% of the students, online learning causes negative feelings in them and that they would rather have classes at school, while approximately 35% of the students think that they feel good during online classes and that they want to continue with online classes until the end of the school year.


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