
Preverjanje in razvijanje gibalnih spretnosti in sposobnosti deklice s kongenitalnim nefrotskim sindromom - študija primera
ID Novak, Ines (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bogataj, Špela (Comentor)

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Nefrotski sindrom je skupek simptomov, ki kaţejo na poškodbe ledvic. Kongenitalni nefrotski sindrom je avtosomno recesivna bolezen, za katero je značilna prisotnost nefrotskega sindroma v prvih treh mesecih ţivljenja. Otroci, ki se zdravijo zaradi kronične ledvične bolezni, so pogosto in dolgotrajno hospitalizirani, zato se pri njih lahko pojavijo zaostanki v gibalnem razvoju. Razvijanje gibalnih spretnosti in sposobnosti je ključnega pomena v predšolskem obdobju, ko otroci intenzivno usvajajo temeljne gibalne spretnosti, ki so osnova za celosten razvoj otroka. Izvedli smo študijo primera, s katero smo preučili funkcioniranje štiriletne deklice, ki so ji drugi dan po rojstvu diagnosticirali kongenitalni nefrotski sindrom. Okoli osmega meseca so deklici odstranili obe ledvici. Sledilo je obdobje dialize, ki so jo starši izvajali doma. Okoli drugega leta starosti so deklici presadili ledvico. S testnim inštrumentarijem ABC-gibanja 2 smo preverili gibalne sposobnosti izbrane deklice. Glede na rezultate smo oblikovali program pomoči, ki je omogočil sistematičen razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti in spretnosti. Osemtedenski program so izvajali starši na domu, in sicer štirikrat tedensko po pol ure. Po izpeljanem programu smo ponovno ocenili gibanje z inštrumentarijem ABC-gibanja 2. Pri začetnem merjenju so rezultati ocenjevanja gibanja pokazali, da deklica nima teţav na gibalnem področju. Opazili smo nekoliko slabšo finomotoriko ter teţave z ohranjanjem statičnega ravnoteţja. S pomočjo osemtedenskega programa je deklica uspela izboljšati surove doseţke, medtem ko so bili standardni doseţki in centili pri začetnem in končnem merjenju enaki. Pomembno pa je, da je deklica uspela izboljšati kvaliteto gibanja. Izboljšala je tudi vztrajnost in motivacijo pri izvajanju nalog.

Keywords:gibalni razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128100 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68494595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Examination and development of motion skills and abilities of a girl with congenital nephrotic syndrome - case study
Nephrotic syndrome is an ensemble of symptoms, that result in kidney failure. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is an autosomal recessive ilness, for which the nephrotic syndrome is present in the first three months of life. Children, that are treated of chronical kidney disease, are usually and often hospitalised, that is why a delay in motor skills development can occur. The development of motor skills is very important in preschool phase, since in this phase children intensively develop basic motor skills, that are important for full development. We have made a case study with which we have analysed the functions of a four year-old girl, that was diagnosed with congenital nephrotic syndroem the second day after her birth. Around the girl’s eight month, both her kidneys were removed. The period of dialysis that was done by the parents in their home followed. By the girl’s second year, her kidney was transplanted. With the ABC motor skill 2 test instrumentarium we checked the girl’s motor skills. Based on the results we designed a help program that enabled a systematic motor skills development. An eight week program was conducted by the girl’s parents at their home, four times per week for half an hour. After the finished program, we re-tested her motor skills with the ABC motor skill 2 test instrumentarium. During the first measurement the results showed that the girl doesn’t have any motor skill problems. We noticed a slight bad fine motor skills and some problems with static balance conservation. With the help of an eight week program the girl has improved the raw achievements, while the standard achievements and centiles during the start and end measurement were the same. It is important to point out the girl has improved the quality of her motor skills. She improved the perseverance and motivation during the execution of the program exercises.

Keywords:motor skills development

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