
Planiranja poti več robotskih vozil z upoštevanjem prioritet in časovnih oken zasedenosti segmentov zemljevida
ID PRESEČNIK, NEJC (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri avtonomni vožnji robotskih vozil, je planiranje poti eden ključnih izzivov s katerim se soočamo. Za usklajeno delovanje skupine mobilnih robotskih vozil pri transportu materiala v sodobnih skladiščih in proizvodnih obratih, del planiranja poti predstavlja tudi izogibanje potencialnim konfliktom. V delu predlagamo nov pristop planiranja poti z algoritmom, ki temelji na znanem algoritmu A* in je nadgrajen za planiranje poti več robotskih vozil tako, da najde kompromisno rešitev brez trkov in nepotrebnih zastojev. Pristop upošteva prioritete transportnih nalogov, zemljevid v obliki uteženega usmerjenega grafa ter predvidena časovna okna zasedenosti segmentov zemljevida. Algoritem najprej poišče pot za vozila z višjimi prioritetami. Ob vsakem planiranju poti vozila, algoritem na koncu zabeleži predvidena časovna okna zasedenosti cest in vozlišč na zemljevidu za najdeno pot. Te zasedenosti se nato upoštevajo pri iskanju poti za vozilo z nižjo prioriteto tako, da ne ovira vožnje vozil z višjo prioriteto in se izogne konfliktom. Dve pomembni možnosti, ki jih algoritem upošteva in predlaga, sta čakanje pred vozliščem oz. na poti do vozlišča, da se prehod sprosti in pa možnost umika na stransko cesto v primeru onemogočenega čakanja. Algoritem upošteva tudi možnost hkratne vožnje več vozil po isti cesti ter ponovni zagon planiranja v poljubnem časovnem trenutku. Pristop je ovrednoten na simulacijskih primerih.

Keywords:AGV, avtonomna vozila, planiranje poti, več-robotni sistemi, izogibanje konfliktom, časovna okna, avtomatizirana skladišča
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Presečnik]
Number of pages:XX, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68502019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Path planning of multiple robotic vehicles considering priorities and occupancy time windows for the map segments
With autonomous driving of robotic vehicles, path planning is one of the key challenges we face with. For coordinated operation of a group of automated guided vehicles (AGV) in the transport of material in modern warehouses and production facilities, part of path planning is also avoidance of potential conflicts. In this paper, we propose a new path planning approach with an algorithm which is based on the well-known algorithm A* and upgraded for path planning of multiple AGVs in such a way that it finds a solution without collisions and unnecessary congestions. The approach considers the priorities of transport orders, the map in the form of a weighted oriented graph, and the predicted time windows of the occupancy of the map segments. The algorithm first finds a path for AGVs with higher priorities. At the end of path planning for every AGV, the algorithm marks predicted time windows of occupancy of roads and nodes according to found path. These occupancies are then considered when planning a path for an AGV with a lower priority so that it does not obstruct the driving of AGVs with a higher priority and so that it avoids conflict. Two important options that the algorithm considers and suggests are waiting in front of the node or on the way to the node in order to clear the passage, and the possibility of r moving out of the way to a side road in case the waiting is disabled. The algorithm also takes into account the possibility of several vehicles driving on the same road at the same time and the option of restarting planning at any time. The approach is evaluated on simulation cases.

Keywords:AGV, autonomous driving, path planning, multirobot systems, collision avoidance, time windows, automated warehouses

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