
Procesno tehnološko okno pri pripravi bentonitne peščene mešanice : diplomsko delo
ID Seljak, Jure (Author), ID Mrvar, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na obnašanje osnovnega ognjeobstojnega materiala – kremenovega peska v livarski peščeni mešanici. Glavni preizkus je zajemal primerjavo kremenovih peskov dveh različnih proizvajalcev, katera sem primerjal glede na obstojnost na mehanske obremenitve. Od preizkusa drobljenja kremenovega peska z mešanjem v laboratorijskem mešalcu sem iz ostankov po sejalni analizi pripravil vzorce iz dveh posameznih sit. Vzorce se je nato stisnilo s konstantno hitrostjo do sile 40 kN na napravi Gleeble 1500, pri čemer se je spremljalo potek sile in pomika čeljusti. Iz podatkov sem dobil velikosti sil pri posameznih lokalnih porušitvah za posamezen vzorec. Iz izmerjenih razlik sem kasneje sklepal na razlike v trdnosti posamezne frakcije. Po stiskanju sem na vzorcih naredil sejalno analizo, s katero sem želel oceniti koliko drobnih frakcij je pri procesu stiskanja nastalo. S preizkusom sem želel oceniti kakšen vpliv ima izvor kremenovega peska na obstojnost osnovnega ognjeobstojnega materiala v livarski peščeni mešanici. V drugem delu sem s pomočjo določevanja odpranih snovi, sejalne analize in opazovanja pod optičnim in elektronskim mikroskopom, želel preveriti, ali bi v livarni s pomočjo mehanske regeneracije lahko iz odpadnega peska odstranili dovolj nečistoč in drobnih frakcij, da bi bil le ta ponovno uporaben za pripravo peščene mešanice in ne bi negativno vplival na kakovostne kazalnike (propustnost, trdnost, natezna trdnost kondenzacijske cone itd.)

Keywords:kremenov pesek, mehansko obremenjevanje, lokalne porušitve, drobne frakcije, regeneracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Seljak]
Number of pages:XI, 43 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127868 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71526915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Processes technological window in the preparation of bentonite sand mixture : diploma work
In diploma thesis I focused on the behavior of basic refractory material – silica sand in the foundry sand mixture. The main test encompassed comparing the resistance to mechanical loads of two silica sands from different producers. Samples were collected from two sieves from the sieve analysis of silica sand, ground in a lab mixer. The samples were compressed with a constant speed up to 40 kN of force on the Gleeble 1500 machine. From the measured data I obtained the force values at the individual local grain cracks for each sample. Using these values, the strength difference between the fractions and producers of silica sand was determined. After the sand had been compressed, I made a sieve analysis to estimate how many fine fractions were formed during the compressing process. With the test I wanted to assess the influence of silica sand origin on the durability of the basic refractory material in the foundry sand mixture. In the second part, I used the AFS clay content determination, sieve analysis and optical and electron microscopy to check, by using mechanical sand regeneration machine, enough impurities and fine fractions can be removed from the waste sand that the reclaimed sand could be reused in the preparation of foundry sand mixture with no negative effects on the molding sand quality.

Keywords:silica sand, mechanical loads, local cracks, fine fraction, regeneration

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