
Sestava in antioksidativne lastnosti izvlečka iz vej bele jelke (Abies alba) v odvisnosti od oddaljenosti od debla
ID Benedetič, Rebeka (Author), ID Kreft, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Schoss, Katja (Comentor)

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Bela jelka (Abies alba) je zimzeleni iglavec, ki doseže starost tudi do 600 let in je avtohtono drevo slovenskega gozdnega področja. S farmacevtskega stališča je zanimiva, saj vsebuje zaščitne snovi, ki bi lahko pripomogle k boljši kvaliteti življenja starajoče se družbe. Najbolj zanimive smeri raziskav so proučevanje antioksidativnega in protivnetnega delovanja, varovalni vplivi na kardiovaskularni sistem, nivo glukoze v krvi in upočasnjevanje staranja. Ključne spojine v jelki so polifenoli, znani po svojih antioksidativnih lastnostih. Nahajajo se predvsem v grčah in vejah. Grče se nahajajo v deblu in so podaljšek vej. Največ polifenolov se nahaja v notranjem delu veje, ki je zaradi temnejše obarvanosti imenovan črnjava. V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali, kako se razlikujejo antioksidativna aktivnost in vsebnost polifenolov v lesu vej bele jelke v odvisnosti od oddaljenosti od debla. Iz posamezne veje kočevske bele jelke smo vzeli 9 vzorcev, ki so bili med seboj oddaljeni 10 cm. Prvi vzorec je bil od debla oddaljen 0 cm in zadnji 80 cm. Antioksidativno aktivnost smo preverjali s testoma ABTS in DPPH, vsebnost fenolov pa s FC testom in HPLC analize. Vsebnost ekstraktabilnih snovi smo ugotavljali gravimetrično. Najmočnejšo aktivnost izvlečka smo izmerili tik ob deblu, vzdolž dolžine veje je v povprečju zmeraj bolj upadala. Antioksidativna aktivnost je bila tako v oddaljenosti 50 cm od debla 1,5-krat nižja kot tik ob deblu. Vsebnost celokupnih polifenolov 50 cm od debla pa je bila 1,6-krat nižja kot tik ob deblu. Vsebnosti glavnega polifenola sekoizolariciresinola je bila 50 cm od debla 2,9-krat nižja kot tik ob deblu. Na podlagi rezultatov smo zaključili, da ima oddaljenost od debla pomemben vpliv na vsebnost polifenolov in antioksidativno aktivnost v vejah bele jelke.

Keywords:Antioksidanti, Abies alba, polifenoli, HPLC, FC reagent
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Composition and antioxidant properties of the silver fir (Abies alba) branch extracts depending on the distance from the trunk
Silver Fir (Abies alba) is an evergreen confiner that reaches an age of up to 600 years. It is an autochtonous tree of the Slovenian forest area. From pharmaceutical point of view, it is interesting because it contains protective substances that could contribue to a better quality of life of an aging society. The most interesting areas of research are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, protective effects on the cardiovascular system, the maintenance of glucose levels in blood as well as anti-aging effects. The key protective molecules are called polyphenols, known for their antioxidative properties. They are found mainly in wood knots and branches. The knots are located in the trunk and are an extension of the branches. The majority of polyphenols can be found in the inner, darker part of the branch called heartwood and pith. We were researching how the antioxidant activity and the content of polyphenols in the wood of the silver fir branches differ depending on the distance from the trunk. We took 9 samples from each branch of the Silver Fir (Kočevje, Slovenia), which were 10 cm apart. The first sample was 0 cm away from the trunk and the last was 80 cm. Antioxidant activity was measured using ABTS and DPPH method. Subsequently, phenol content was measured using FC Reagent as well as HPLC. Furthermore, the content of extractable substances was determined gravimetrically. The strongest activity was measured the closest to the trunk, which was decreasing with increasing distance from the trunk. Antioxidant activity 50 cm from the trunk was 1,5 times weaker than antioxidant activity close to the trunk. The content of total polyphenols 50 cm from the trunk was 1,6 times lower than next to the trunk. The content of the main polyphenol isolariciresinol 50 cm from the trunk was 2,9 times lower than next to the trunk. Based on the results, we concluded that the distance from the trunk has an effect on the antioxidant activity and on the content of polyphenols in the branches of silver fir.

Keywords:Antioxidants, Abies alba, Polyphenols, HPLC, FC Reagent

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